
  1. Caliper Issue

    Hi everyone, I have lost count of how many attempts I have made to tackle this issue in the last few weeks. I first noticed a warm driver-side rear wheel, so I jacked up the car and driver side wheel wasn't spinning, pads and discs needed changing anyway- took out guide pins, cleaned off the...
  2. iammooks

    Tie Rod Nightmare...

    Decided to tackle my tie rods today. First off I couldn't get the wheels off since the refurb meant the lacquer had jammed them on. Managed to get the nearside off (the one without play) and it was easy. Outer tie Rod popped off no trouble, and the inner tie rod tool I got off eBay for £12.99...
  3. Seized rear calipers

    as per title on my 97 Ibiza gti 16v. Anyone got any tips? mucho gracias
  4. wilz

    Brembos seized

    Guys i am needing your help as my poor ibiza is now off the road till this is fixed. One of the pistons is seized on my caliper, the car in question is an ibiza cupra r with brembo calipers, Is there a refurbishing kit for these or how do i refurbish them. Thanks William
  5. wayne lcr

    seized valve cap

    does any 1 no how to get a ceased valve cap of without damaging the valve:cry: and also i got a lcr and its deloveped a flat spot any ideas what it could be any help to either would be greatfull thanks
  6. Bolts Seized on Downpipe

    Tried to remove the downpipe today, appears the bolts are seized, turns a bit then just feels like it's cross threading. Any tips or tricks to save me having to drill them out?[:@]
  7. Seized ABS sensor

    Folks, I've had an intermittent ABS sensor fault on my front O/S for a little while. Just got round to buying a replacement sensor, but I can't get the old one out! I've taken the bolt out, but the sensor won't budge from its mounting. I've tried giving it a bit of persuasion with some water...
  8. olliep

    Seized metal tyre valve caps!

    just a quick remender to anyone that made the same mistake that i did... found the other evening when going to check tyre pressures that my metal valve caps had corroded on with all the grit and salt over the past month or so. when i say corroded i mean after sethering two of the valves i...
  9. mitch2028

    seized lambda sensor?

    hi all just wondering if anyones had problems with lambda probes seizing in? and any ideas...ive tried a spanner...cracked it off and now its stop turning all together. Id try and get the probe hot but ive cut the wires off it :cry: any ideas?
  10. Engine seized because of Intercooler cleaning.

    i have just cleaned out my intercooler as it was filled with oil. I use paraffin to clean it out. Started ok after that nut when i got down the road i revved which activated the turbo. It must have sucked up the paraffin. The car revved hard and burnt off the parraffin. the car then...
  11. Cracked Sump = Seized Engine????

    Hello Again, Following on from my previous post in the forum.... I recently cracked the sump of my V5 on a speed hump:redface: , after about 10 minutes of driving (not realising that my oil was pouring all over the road, the oil light started to flash. The car then lost power and switched...
  12. beattie17

    Coilovers Seized

    Tried to free them off but they aint happening! want to lower car,would it be ok to remove the little helper spring?
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