seat leon 1.5

  1. LeonFR24

    Stop/Start Error, Auto Hold Error, Eletrictronic Parking Break Error

    Hello All, Ive had these error codes come up on my Seat leon Fr 1.5 2020 and not too sure what could be causing them. I origionally thought they came up due to needing to replace the battery (as it was low) but i have done that and they're still there. The errors did clear after driving down...
  2. Seat leon 1.5 etsi making weird noise when dsg shifts from 3 to 4 gear

    My seat leon from 2021 is making this weird screeching sound when shifting i have attached a video here in the past it did it a couple of times a week but it seems to be verry frequent recently. any ideas would be apreciated.
  3. Seat Leon Mods

    Hi all, I am new to this forum page. I recently got a Leon FR 1.5 TSI Evo 130PS. I would like some advice on ways to customise the car from like side skirts, splitters, and performance mods too. Like if any of y'all have links to websites or good beginner/entry-level mods that would make this...
  4. Clicking sound near the turbo when starting engine

    Hi all, have a 2019 Seat Leon 1.5tsi (130bhp version with the DACA engine). When starting the car, i get a very loud clicking/rattling/ticking noise from around the turbo area. After around 30 seconds the noise disappears. I know about the turbo actuator having problems on the dada engines but...
  5. Coolant temperature going down when driving

    Hi, I have 2019 Seat Leon Se Dynamic Tsi Evo and it takes a long time for the engine coolant to warm up (around 15 minutes when stationary). However, once it reaches around 80/90 degrees it drops back down to 50 degrees when driving. I am suspecting the issue being with the thermostat, however...
  6. OllyKBY23

    Leon FR 1.5 TSI 150. Bad juddering under harsh acceleration.

    Hi, my Leon has just gone over the 34k mile mark and I used it to drive to work this morning, it has had minor issues in the past (relating to starting issues) but today when I accelerate over 2800rpm from 2nd gear onwards I get an almighty juddering situationIt is that bad that my seatbelt...
  7. OllyKBY23

    Clutch kit replacement

    I have a 1.5 Tsi EVO manual and looking to replace the clutch. However, other than OEM I can’t seem to find an aftermarket clutch kit available for my vehicle. If anyone has any ideas please advise!
  8. Asdfghjklmnopr

    ML4 Sunroof sun exposure

    So I am an owner of a Seat Leon 1.5 TSI Fr model with a sunroof. I have been noticing issues with the sunroof when the car is exposed for a few hours on the sun. To explain the problem even further, when my car is sitting in the direct sun, the top central console is not responsive (lights and...
  9. OllyKBY23

    2020 Leon 150ps - Intermittent electrical issue on start up

    Good day, My warranty is nearly out but would like to know if anyone else has had an issue with their Leon having a very rare and random hissy fit when starting the engine. The engine starts up initially and sounds rough like a certain sequence isnt being carried out properly and continues to...
  10. SeatFRTSI

    Seat Leon FR TSI EVO 130BHP

    Hi, I have a Seat Leon FR TSI EVO 130BHP and I want to stage 1 remap it which will increase the BHP to 175 but my question is has anyone done this to theirs and has the cars internals been able to withstand the extra power and how many miles can I expect to get out of the engine until it’s...
  11. The New SEAT Leon is So Much Better Than VW Golf 2020

    The new SEAT Leon is so much better than the new 2020 Volkswagen Golf. It drives much more sporty even with the same engine... wonder how SEAT is doing that! Here is a new test drive of the ALL NEW SEAT Leon 2020/ 2021
  12. Seat Leon ST FR 1.5 TSI 150HP PROBLEMS

    Hi! For the last three years I've been driving a Seat Ibiza and I absolutely love it. The time has come though to switch to a bigger car. Last week I went to go check out the Leon ST FR and I really liked what I saw. After doing some Googeling I stumbeled upon a lot of people who had...
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