
  1. ibiza_95

    I know its a long shot but my girlfriend has a saxo 1.1 problem

    Ok, ive been, regsitered, posted, and waited, on saxo sports and no one replied so i thought i may as well try you guys. .....please dont say bin it either ;) Its a 1.1 SX 'R' Plate Saxo but it has real difficulty starting and maintaining revs when its being driven. To best describe...
  2. exsaxoboy!

    saxo to cupra turbo

    hi just got my cupra today, chuffed to bits! its been revo'd and its got a cat back sebring exhaust, what power would this be producing? Also after coming from a saxo im finding the handling pretty rubbish! Any recomendations what suspension kit to use, i stilll want to keep a fairly good ride...
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