
  1. vag com non responsive program.

    hi as any one else had problems with vagcom stopping responding when you click test. or could i have a faulty cable?
  2. Big_daddy

    Less responsive gauge!

    Ive just notcied something while driving! The gauge i have hardly moves it just stay on vac pressure -8. When i tap the gas pedal it dosnt move! when i rev it hard it move up to max vac pressure of -5 The DV is not loud as it was on normal driving. Any suggestion on what this could be?
  3. Making a 1.4 75bhp more responsive

    Bit new to engine mods but what can I do to make the 1.4 16v 75bhp unit output a bit more responsiveness?!? At a guess a remap wouldnt be worthwhile as i'd imagine i'd only get a 5 bhp increase if that, and would just be a waste of money at the end of the day! I have a K&N panel filter...
  4. EdButler

    Silicon Dielectric Grease - Smoother running, more responsive & less smokey TDI!!

    Hi guys, ive been a bit weary about this mod for ages, but after seeing almost 100 testimonials on Briskoda and TDICLUB i decided to give it a go. Basically the mod (also called 'Cagemod' on TDIClub after the person who thought it up) is cleaning the contacts of the MAF (can be done by...