
  1. 1.6 Engine Resonating..

    Hey guys, I've had my mk1 1.6 for over 6 months now and it has always had a strange noise at around 2-2500rpm, which when driving almost sounds like a squealing belt, so naturally I changed the V-belt, which didn't help at all. Upon further inspection it turns out the noise still happens...
  2. DanGB

    Speaker resonating

    Hey, Done the old infinity speaker upgrade quite a while ago. Certinaly most recently, ive been noticing them resonating or buzzing. It happens espcially on speaking, you can notice a definate buzzing when the bluetooth women is speaking :) Other people experiencing this? What have you...
  3. Resonating Sound??

    I wonder if any of you good people can help me. I have an 06 (55) FR+ with 33k on the clock. In the last week i have had a resonating drone/humming which appears to be coming from the rear nearside, although brother has suggested it might be coming from the off side. Its not a wheel bearing...
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