
  1. Aimez

    side repeators bulb holder help!

    Right so I've got some after harping on about it on here for so long, the lenses fit fine but, and i knew this already but the bulb casing that you plug in is too small. How can i make these fit, can i buy the plasticy bit the bulb goes into from vw maybe?
  2. Aimez

    Will these side repeators fit? Can't find any listed under Seat or ibiza that are black but sometimes find Leon and ibiza and polo all in the same group, so would Leon ones fit an ibiza...
  3. Aimez

    orangy bits in side repeators!

    anyone brought replacement clear or smoked ones yet? i hate the orange bit, thought it was the bulb but took them out and realised its in the the plastic so annoying! can't find anyone that makes them for the m4do any VW ones fit?
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