
  1. fourtwofive

    charge pipe relocation

    ive got myself a small washer bottle and im looking at getting the charge pipe moved down the drivers side i have forge fmic. my question is does this have to be custom made? i have searched seems everyone has custom ones...
  2. sick2death

    DV relocation kit

    Im considering buying one of these kits from Forge, Ive looked at the fitting guide on their website, but being thick as I am, was wondering if there wre any guides with more pictures to make it easier to follow? Ideally with an aftermarket TIP fitted. What do you guys who've done it think...
  3. m0sch

    Battery relocation & air filter?

    hey people wondering if anyone has done this atall was thinking of moving the battery to the boot and moving the filter nearer the front where the bat would be for a better cold air feed ? also it only has a pipercross filter on it at the moment and previous experience has shown me they arnt...
  4. Cupra_R04

    Battery relocation

    Right guys i know there is a search button and this has been covered before but there has not been a definitive answer. Im getting my finger out and going full stretch. I have the cage for the battery and want to relocate to the boot my question is what wiring and power feeds do i need...
  5. JamJay

    DV Relocation Kits

    I have been on Search Patrol and not really found what I was after. I just wanted to know of owners opinions on these, pros & cons etc. I hear that moving the DV to the 'cold side' helps the longevity of the DV but what else does it do? Does it change the sound in the DV? Is there any...
  6. R4cup

    DV relocation question

    Hi guys im due to relocate my DV pretty soon & was wondering if it would be ok to use the metal T-piece below rather than the silicone one?
  7. RabReith89

    Dump valve Coldside Relocation

    Hi guys am thinging of doing the coldside relocation for more dump valve noise is this a hard job, If anyone can talk me thro this it would be great Thanks Rab
  8. Berg

    golf cold side relocation?? Recieved

    I bought a Turbosmart Dual Port last week and it comes with a cold side relocation kit for a mk4 golf Does anyone know if this will fit mine?? Not too bothered if it doesnt as i ony paid £75 for the valve and the relocation kit so got a bargain there i think! Cheers
  9. Diverter Valve Relocation Kit

    Anybody purchased one of these? Do you reckon it's worth it? I'm going through the standard DV's like there is no tomorrow and think having it relocated will keep it away from heat and make it easy to change.
  10. Ronin225

    Anyone fitted a DV relocation AND catch can on LCR

    As the title states really, interested to see if anyone has done this and if so where the catch can is situated. Also dimmensions of the can itself and route for the piping as not to interfere with other hoses. Did have a quick look the other day with Phills old can but it looks very tight to...
  11. slim20vt

    lcr Relocation pipe NOISE

    hi people im thinking of buy a forge relocation d/v kit for my lcr,i have d/v simlar to the forge007. at the moment i have a 57i k&n fitted and the recirclating d/v gives a lovely echo from the induction kit... (love this sound?:p what i want to no is if i buy the relocation kit? will...
  12. Diverter Valve Relocation Kit

    Anyone have one of these in there car's? Looking to add a few more improvments to my car over the next few months and wondered what people's opinions are on them? Are they any good and what is there main purpose. Cheers
  13. rikwheeler

    Battery Relocation Advise Needed

    Hi guys, I've read a few threads now about relocating the battery to the spare wheel well and just want some more advise. Believe I will need the following: 1. A battery tray: RobDon and a few other people have gone for this one: so...
  14. Diverter Valve Relocation Kit for VAG why not for ibiza?

    hi everyone have looked on search but nothing. was on forge website this evening and fort i would look at the leon parts on forge and came acrross a Diverter Valve Relocation Kit. when looking at the info it says This kit allows you to relocate the diverter valve from the hot side of the...
  15. Wazuke

    DV Relocation

    Hello, I recently ordered a blue Forge DV relocation kit, which the retailer had to order in. I have now been told that they received a black one instead of a blue one... So i was wondering if anyone had any pictures of a fitted black DV relocation kit fitted? Cheers, Anthony
  16. DIY D/V relocation kit

    hi sorry if this has been covered before but i was wondering if anyone has made a cold side reloction kit them selves for the LCR and whether it was any good, as the forge one seems a bit expensive for what it is, ive see ones made for the ibiza but nothing for the leon. thnks
  17. cus

    dump valve relocation

    i relocated my dumpvalve to my throttle body a while ago.. no problems, but found it was catching on my bonnet. and rattles when my engine is turning off. its also took some paint off. i've not got the dumpvalve underneith the throttle body, instead of on top, and its changed the sound of the...
  18. Seat Ibiza Mk3 HU relocation

    Hiya i know this has probs been asked hundreds of times,, i have a seat ibiza mk3, with standard head unit i have already read up on having the consolse modded and sounds way to complecated. At the mo im trying to persuade my bf to have a go at relocating a new HU under the steering wheel, but...
  19. Dv relocation

    I seen a DV relocation kit on the Forge website, I was just wondering if this is suitable for the beeza cupra and has anyone got it done?? link is as follows: cheers
  20. s1l3nc3r

    d/v relocation.

    ive just ordered all the stuff i need from forge to do the coldside relocation. 25mm flexi tube 63mm T piece blanking plug for the charge pipe and a alloy joiner. the only thing i cant find anything on is the 90 deg tube to connect the flexi to the TIP anyone no where i can get...
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