
  1. 1.6 TDI DPF Light Won't Clear Despite Following Active Regen Method

    Hi all, I have a 62 plate 1.6 TDI Ibiza CR 105bhp. The stupid DPF light came on two days ago so I haven't driven it since. Today I took it for approx 90 minutes of driving on the motorway driving at 60mph in 4th gear at around 2300rpm. After 45 minutes it still hadn't cleared, and I was well out...
  2. 1000rpm DPF regen, first time ever seen.. due to fuel change?

    Hi folks, yesterday, for the first time ever since ive had my FR TDI (18 months, 21k miles with me, 5k when bought) the engine idle was up near 1000rpm and it really sounded rough! There were no warning lights, however im sure this is a regeneration of the DPF taking place. Ive had a...