
  1. NotSoSimple

    Clunking Noise - Brake Pads/Suspension

    Since upgrading my discs and pads to MTEC and RedStuff EBC I have a new sound! There is a clunking sound over rough roads (mostly bumps and manhole covers) which appears to be movement in the pad within the calliper. It doesnt happen over speed bumps. I know this is a thing that happens and it...
  2. Greenstuff or Redstuff pads?

    Thinking of putting EBC discs and pads on my FR, don't fancy putting larger discs on just yet. Just wondering what ppls experiences of greenstuff/redstuff pads are, have heard green dust more and are not as sharp?

    EBC disks and redstuff pads

    well i fitted these about a month ago and although they brake well they are the noisiest brakes i have ever had they make a constant high speed clicking (like when you put a playing card to a bicycle wheel) even when i aint braking (does that sound normal) have taken them to 3 different garages...
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