
  1. revere

    Possible leak on a forge re-circulating valve !

    1st off, hi all, I'm new on this site cause I just bought a Seat Leon Cupra R 05 plate (40K on the clock), remapped to 270BHP, with a forge re-circulating dump valve and a K&N panel filter. The car has a forge re-circulating dump valve and today I noticed a sound that didn't used to be there...
  2. Jerry*

    Newbie Question re: Forge Recirculating Valve.

    I've read lots of stuff on the forum about how many people have fitted the replacement Forge recirculation valve to their vehicles with great interest. I have some questions though which I can't seem to fathom out - hope people can help me? Is this the kit that most people fit...
  3. Shaunyboy

    Recirculating valve

    I found this on flea bay - What do you all think, i cant afford a forge due to the engine rebuild but want to change th DV aswell as the n75 as i had intermittent boost problems, its...
  4. Black_Car

    Forge Splitter R Recirculating Blow Off Valve 1.8T

    Anyone got one of these on their LC? I know its a bad idea to have the DUMP VALVE - as it doesnt work well, most people go for the Forge DV.....but has anyone opted for this? :think:
  5. LeonFR07DSG

    Dump valves, spacers, recirculating, atmospheric and filters...whats what?

    ok quite a few questions in one thread so i apologise...had a search and couldnt find the answers to most of these questions, would be great if you could help... dump valves.. what is the one that sounds like a chipmunk (chattering) and the other sound like a tschhh... lol recirc? atmos...
  6. Recirculating Dump Valve Question

    I've recently purchased a 53 plate cupra, it's been remapped to 220 and was advertised as having a recirculating dump valve. The dump valve I noisier than I'd like, I can easily hear it, although I can drown it out if I turn the music up. Is there an easy way to check if it's a...
  7. Stubbo

    007P Forge recirculating valve

    Hello All I have just brought a LCR I am going to take it for a revo stage 1 remap they have offered me a 007P Forge recirculating valve at a 25% Discount and free fitting but will a gane anything from it. I have tried seaching but couldn't find anything on this.
  8. Recirculating valve confusion (TFSI 2.0)

    Hi to everyone, I just got my Seat Leon FR 2.0 TFSI, and i've always wanted the pshhhhh sound on it. Since ever, i've tried to get a Turbo car, but I wanted to put a BOV, but they told me, that this car cant use a Blow Off Valve, they use Recirculating Valve. So my confusion is, can I get the...
  9. Recirculating dump valves

    Please can some body tell me the best place to buy a forge/bailey recirculating dump valve and at what cost??:shrug:
  10. recirculating pump

    the pump that recirculates the water in the engine after the engine is switched off is it situated right on the top of the radiator , and is it called a recirculating pump need one as mine is broken
  11. Recirculating Dump Valve

    Just wondering if anybody has had any experience of these.. THS Performance. Looks reasonable, with reasonable price, but any thoughts much appreciated. Cheers

    forge recirculating valve after Revo?

    Hi I have had my 1.8t cupra revo'd for 6 months now, my question is do I need a forge recirculating valve for it or is it just an option if people want the woosh sound on gear change. Im not really fussed about the sound but just want to keep the car as reliable as possible, the car has been...
  13. virdi

    What's the 'known' issue with the recirculating valve?

    Hi all, I understand that there is a pretty common problem with the recirculating valve on the LCR's? What is the recirculating valve and what happens when this goes loopy? Would it get fixed or replaced under warranty? Thanks
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