
  1. Any known delays on the new ibiza FR tdi production?

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone know's if there are any delays on seat producing the Ibiza FR tdi? Ordered 1 back beginning of Feb with promise of March delivery? I always thought the standard leadtime was 12 weeks unless you got lucky and the dealer gets hold of one through the network...
  2. ibiza_95

    Why there will never be a production of F2 panels

    After speaking to a few people today that used to rally the old F2 ibizas, it seems that duplicating the panels is infact an infringement of the copy right that seat have, and as such will never happen... Shame really but just confirms that the panels will never be made in aftermarket...
  3. Bocanegra production

    I went into my dealer today to speak to them about my car and give them the V70 for my number plate and they said production of the Bocanegra is going to be stopped soon in order to keep it exclusivity...?
  4. Cupra Production Figures

    H Folks I'm new here! I did a really quick search and nothing turned up, so I thought I'd start my first thread. Are the production figures for the Ibiza Cupra published anywhere? Split down by colour, within the UK? Just out of interest really. Most Cupras that I've seen for sale...
  5. phoenix

    1st Production exhaust from piper

    Hi guys after originally having my car selected for the Piper Build and going to Folkstone my circumstances changed and I was going to sell my LCR, typically I ended keeping the car but unfortunately lost out on having mine used, KEZ seen you exhaust mate looks fantastic what the guys did...
  6. Excess soot production

    I've noticed of late that my good ol' tractor sometimes produces a large dose of soot, more than I've noticed in the past :think: Coming home from Liverpool on Sunday evening, I was trying to reproduce the soot output but I can't consistantly make it happen. Banging through 2nd, 3rd and 4th...
  7. andyb

    Official: New 2005 Toledo (Production)- your comments go here!

    following on from our thread on the Toledo, ( ), SEAT have now shown off the production version of the next generation Toledo. You can reads Zboyd's report on the new Toledo here:-...