
  1. chappersno1

    fan problems?HELP NEEDED!

    HI I RESENTLY POSTED UP A THREAD ABOUT MY GTI 2.0LTR 8V over heating and turned out the head gasket was on its way out. the head gasket has been done now and the car is driving fine and temp stays fine whilst being driven at 30mph + but the fan has stopped working so as soon as i stop at...
  2. DamoR

    Forge shortshifter installation please

    The other day I attempted to fit my forge short shifter. However, I have two problems that are still unresolved: 1) I can't get the original shift off. The instructions say undo the 13mm nut and chock up the shift and tap on the top off the nut to undo the shift from the spline. I wish it was...
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