powersteering light on

  1. Power Steering Pump Rattle

    I replaced my power steering pump the other day and the light stayed on the dash and the steering was still stiff. I haven’t coded the pump yet so I presume this is why. However today, I turned my car on and the pump was rattling quite loud but the steering felt light again (heavier when I was...
  2. Power Steering Problem

    I changed my power steering pump yesterday as I’ve had an intermittent power steering problem where the light would come on and the steering go stiff, usually when I’m driving. I changed the pump but the light has stayed on and the steering is still stiff, is this a matter of coding or something...
  3. Power steering Light on

    Hi, This morning my car was working completely fine i did 2 trips at around 8-9am. It comes to 2pm and i turn my car on to find that the powersteering light is on, i dont have any power assisted steering and its very heavy. i have cheched the fuse box in the dashboard and all seem to be fine. I...
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