
  1. kelvin_redcupra

    picture posting

    hi i am wanting to start a readers ride thread how can i post pictures onto my thread as it wont let me?.cheers
  2. Grat

    problem posting replys

    hey all how many posts do i have to make before i can reply on an item for sale? thanks
  3. is this rr map good?

    will post my rr print out.looking at this can anyone say if my map is good or not?
  4. MJ

    Image posting

    Hi guy i was just wondering how i post images in my threads, i only get the option of adding a url and when i tried last night i didnt add them in - there was just a blank space??? It might just be me being a pleb but i could do with a little bit of help - cheers!
  5. Posting in the for sale section?????

    I'm a new member but was after posting a advert in the non-seat part of the car for sale section. It wont let me. Is there a reason behind this?????. How can i do it???? Thanks
  6. Viking

    Posting problems in General Off Topic.

    Can't post a new thread, getting: - Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4194304 bytes) in /var/www/web1/web/forums/includes/functions_search.php on line 196
  7. Damoegan

    Posting pics

    Just posted a thread and added 10 pics as I know that is the limmit for 1 post but got a error saying I was trying to as 12 images and was only aloud 10 per post! There was defo only 10 I was trying to post as I removed 2 and added them to the next post and only 8 images showed up in first...

    Posting Pics

    OK maybe a silly question but how do i put pictures in a thread, can't seen to do it!!!??? :(
  9. gb

    another try at posting a pic[/IMG]iv stufed it up ill try again
  10. posting photo`s

    could anybody shed sum lite on how u put photos in with `for sale ` adverts. i`m not that p.c friendly? cheers moog:blink:
  11. horrible noise (posting for a mate)

    my pal has a mk3 cupra and after he gets to 60mph there a horrible droning noise comeing from what we think is the back of the car and it makes the car/ steering wheel shudder the car is totally standard and hes just replaced all the tyres and the discs and pads, the ball joints, tracking and...
  12. lc_allan

    Help admin - Posting images using photobucket.

    I have just gone to post a thread that only contains 6 images from my photobucket account, however I can't post it as the forum is telling me I have posted 15 and am only allowed to post 10. However the image url contains http://img.photobucket/ blah blah as part of my photobucket account...
  13. posting a for sale ad

    Hi all, I was wanting to post an ad up for my toledo that I am selling, however, i read that my membership status has to be changed first, any help greatly appreciated. Chris
  14. BHP Addict

    Posting in for sale section???

    Hi Admin......can someone change the settings to allow me to post in the seats for sale section at all??? I think i have enough posts by now. Thanks
  15. PhilW

    Mk3 Ibiza Cupra FAQ - Please Read Before Posting

    This thread is setup to help the new, and sometimes old, members find information on their 6k Ibiza Cupra. This FAQ thread will be a mix of information in each post or links to relevant information that will help you find the answer your lookin for. And if there is anything missing or...

    posting pics?????

    ive got some pictures of my milltek and FMIC but dont know how the h**l you post them?? any ideas??:think:
  17. Havok316

    A Posting problem

    A while ago i posted moaning about posts i created a post and it never appeared in the ibiza mk 3 section although you can search for it and click the back button to see it again but even if you press F5 to do a complete refresh it doesnt appear. Screenshots below and yes it is a submitted post...
  18. Nath.

    posting an excel document

    I have an interesting logo quizz that I would like to post in the jokes/fun forum but I can't seem to wok out how as it is an excel document can someone help me or can I email it to someone to post for me thanks
  19. keaney

    Posting a front bumper? (MY03)

    Evening all,lil bit random this but does any one have a clue how much a MY03 front bumper with all the grills and stuff on it weights? Or even better has anyone ever sent 1 using parcel force,dhl............. blah blah. I need to arrange for one to be picked up and i dont have a clue on the...
  20. mattpark

    New Member Posting Limit

    Dear All, I understand the need for methods of preventing spammers and evil do'ers running riot across internet forums, however I feel the posting limit on the "For Sale" section is too high. The only way I can talk to a potential seller is by bumping up my post count with random stuff...
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