
  1. sherrattsp

    Engine oil for 2.0TDI (2015 Leon)

    Hi all, I own a 2015 Leon estate (2.0TDI) It sufferers with the known oil burn fault of the engine so I do have to top it up every now and again. The garage I take my car to is a VW specialist and they put in Shell Helix 0W-30 I’ve always purchased Castrol Edge 5W-30 Both the Shell and...
  2. mjgreen81

    Gearbox oil change help/reassurance

    Hi all, I am looking for a bit of advice/reassurance please. I was just attempting to change the gearbox oil on my 2016 1.4 fr (6 speed manual) following the guide available here: https://www.seatcupra.net/forums/threads/changing-the-gearbox-oil-on-a-2014-6-speed-manual-2-0-diesel-fr.463534/...
  3. 2016 Leon Cupra 290 engine oil consumption

    I’ve owned a 2016 leon cupra 290 for about a month now, and yesterday the engine oil light has come on again! I seem to get about 600miles / 1000km per 1 litre of oil, this seems quite rubbish. I've checked the handguide and that says 0.5ltre per 1000km. So seems i’m consuming twice as much. No...
  4. SkiTTbicepS

    Low Oil Level, For Quite A Bit. 1.8 TSi

    Hi all! I would like to ask you what kind of damage low oil level could have done. It was under minimum, I haven't noticed because I stopped checking after oil change because it never used oil. It is a 1.8 TSi CJSA engine with tuned 310HP and a IS20 turbocharger. All it needed to get above...
  5. Cfallon

    Leaking issue

    I’ve recently had an oil leak so decided to service whilst finding the problem then discovered an oily coolant leak after the new oil was replaced so I decided to try drain my coolant to strip it down and I found old oil in my coolant pipes but I’m new to trying to fix my own car any ideas...
  6. DrewSmith199

    Servicing - 2.0 TFSI

    Hi All, My Cupra is due a service soon as I've owned it a year (2007 1p). I'm hoping to pick your brains to save some money (or tell me otherwise if you think it's not a good idea). I drive it less than 5,000 miles a year, mostly just a weekend toy. But it is remapped running a bit more power...
  7. Jackhans

    Boconegra Misfire and oil consumption

    o recently bought a 11/12 plate BOC with the CAVE engine, 60k Has a miss fire at higher revs occasionally, I’ve changed the plugs the NGK ones gapped at 0.6. The old plugs (pictured) from 1-4 L-R any ideas on them? I done a comp test and they were all around 150-154 psi. Not sure what to do...
  8. Bluestranger1992

    Oil temp sensor?

    Morning all, had car plugged in at weekend and two fault codes came back, one was for the throttle pedal and the other oil temperature sensor ( stuck at 30 ) Can’t for the live love of god seen anything online about this sensor and the typical car parts places say they no nothing about that for...
  9. Recommended Oil for Seat Ibiza 2018 (1.0 MPI Engine: CHYB)

    Hello, Just wondering if I could ask if anybody knows what the manufacturers recommended oil for a Seat Ibiza 2018 (1.0 MPI Engine: CHYB) would be? And what the garages would use? VW 504 00 (5W30) or VW 508 00 (0W20) Thanks, Dave
  10. Oil extractor tube too big for 1.5 TSI?

    Hi. I've bought an oil extractor to change my engine oil in between the service intervals but have stumbled upon a problem. I've watched multiple videos with people doing this in Audi's and VW's and it's no problem, they stick a pretty thick tube down in the dip stick hole and it just works...
  11. evowho

    Oil issue Seat Leon 2013

    Hi! Im having some issues with my Seat Leon 5F 1.4 TSI 122 HP and asking for suggestion or thoughts about what the problem can be. The problem im having is: * Having to refil a liter of oil about every 100 miles. (No smoke or Oil leak) * Sometimes when I start the car and drive of the cars...
  12. Mafio

    Gearbox oil change, confusion.

    Hey all, first of all, I am new to the forums but I've been lurking for some time but still can't seem to understand everything when it comes to gearbox oil change. I'm driving late 2002, 1.6 16v 5 speed. I've seen many people talking about special keys to unlock the drain plug, but some say...
  13. Mezmarie

    Drinks oil!

    Hi guys, hoping someone can help me out! I’ve had my SEAT LEON 1.2 TSI 14 plate for around 4 years now. For the last 3 years (from what I can remember), I have to top my oil up nearly every 3 months whereas I have never had to do this before. I’ve had it looked at numerous amounts of times and...
  14. Servicing Question

    Hi all, I've got a leased '19 Cupra 290. It's done ~6700 miles and is about 14 months old. Lease is 24 months duration with ALD. The oil service notification has just appeared. Can someone explain the whole 'fixed interval' vs 'long-life' servicing regime please? Doing some searching here it...
  15. Gearbox oil change interval

    Hi all, asking for advise about interval of changing gearbox (manual) oil, it is for Seat Leon 5F1, 2015 1.4 TSI 125hp. also is this a original catalogue number about gear box G 052 527 A2 thanks in advance
  16. Legojon

    Servicing Jacking the front & oil+filter change guide

    Getting started: It's your cars birthday. And what do cars love more than cake? That's right oil! So first let's assemble the tools you'll need. As well as a jack, axle stands and wheel chocks (or house bricks) you'll need: Something to catch the oil! Newspaper to avoid messing up your...
  17. Lozzy15

    Engine bay Oil Catch Can Fitting Guide - 1.4Tsi MK3 Leon

    Hi guys and gals, This is an updated guide for how to fit an oil catch can for your 1.4Tsi engine. This is fairly simple and virtually anyone can do this with minimal tools. If you're wondering whether to bother fitting a catch can, google will explain much better than me, but essentially it...
  18. Lozzy15

    Servicing Service guide - How to change the oil & filter - 1.4 MK3 Leon

    Hi guys & gals, A nice simple guide today on how to change your oil & filter at service time. I'll also show how to change the pollen filter. I won't be talking about the air filter as I have a custom one on my car so there's nothing for me to change/clean just yet. Another point to note is...
  19. OJ9693

    Europarts oil and filter sale

    Yes i know they always have sales on but this one is for engine oil and filters if anybody was in need or will need soon! Thought i'd share :)
  20. FR MK3 2.0 184 oil temperature

    Hi all. Apologies if this has already come up. I've seen a couple of similar posts but nothing quite the same. My oil temperature when driving normal is between 90 and 100 celcius. When driving it hard after 10-30 minutes it would run up to 115 ish but then come back down to earth at 95-100...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)