obd eleven

  1. Vinsjent

    What is my acc missing?

    I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing to turn on acc. My seat leon 5f has a distance sensor and acc on paper. I managed to get the acc settings in my infotainment but it says "feature is not available at the moment." Obd had CU 13 adaptive cruise control before I touched it. what I did...
  2. Vinsjent

    OBD11 draining battery

    Hi, I bought my Seat last week and an obd11 along with it. After driving around a bit I wanted to change how some settings behave so I connected the obd, went through the setup like normal and did a scan. For some reason when I have the obd connected for about a minute I get a warning "low...
  3. Ross6392

    Obd 11 eleven fuel filter prime

    Hi all, changed to a 2019 Leon mk3 2.0 diesel FR. I don’t own an OBD eleven, considering getting it. Has anyone used it to prime the fuel after a fuel filter change? cheers.
  4. trackhawk

    Retrofit install digital instrument cluster

    Hello community, I have a seat ibiza (2021, with 30 000 km) with a normal instrument cluster, I want to install a Digital instrument cluster (used one, 20 000 km) If I wire it (without coding) is it going to work ? if I need to do some coding, is OBD11 sufficient ? the coding part can be done...
  5. Halogen headlights drl coding obd11

    Hello, I have the halogen headlights on my facelifted ST with the LED triangle as parking light, pictured as followed; (Not my picture) The car is equipped with a light sensor and during daylight it uses the halogen lowbeam as drl with the taillights off. I was wondering if it would be...
  6. albertofr

    TSR (traffic sign recognition) and Light Assist (HBA) activation

    Hi guys! My car (Leon Fr 1.5 eTSI) doesn’t have the Tsr (traffic sign recognition) and the high beam assist (or light assist). The car is obviously equipped with a lane assist camera and a light/rain sensor. Is it possible to enable them with Obd eleven or with Vcds or do you have to do it...
  7. Stock coding for footwell lights

    I have been messing around with trying to code leds to the footwell lights but didn’t work , I have now put in the stick bulbs and need the stock coding settings for them to work . If anyone could send them to me would mean a lot thanks For a seat Leon 2013
  8. Tell

    Coding and programming Enabling Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) with VCDS / OBDEleven for vehicles with Lane Assist

    This mod should work across all recent Seat / VW and Skoda vehicles to 2019 with Lane Assist if it was not delivered as part of an option. Vag group revised programming new 2020 models, check programming documentation of tool supplier for current situation on SFD protectiin. Recently (circa...
  9. Tell

    Coding and programming OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca Part 2 of 2

    DLR On / Off via Light Switch or Tick on the Car Menu to Turn DLR on or off This is the one that you might want to do before starting off on long mods with the OBDEleven. With the engine running you have the option to turn off the DLRs so for any reason you have the engine running and don't...
  10. Tell

    Coding and programming OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca Part 1 of 2

    This thread covers the use of the OBDeleven tool with worked, tested results on the Ateca 2016 - 2019 models. Check Obdeleven website for news on programming the new 2020 models following SFD implementation by the VAG group. . The OBDeleven dongle works via Bluetooth with an Android device 4.0...
  11. VCDS /obdeleven near Milton Keynes

    Hi New to the forum after some help on here finally installed the correct rain light sensor and switch for auto-lights in my mk3 leon fr As expected it fault codes everytime auto on so i need it coded properly. As i have an iphone and cant get hold of the new OBDeleven i need someone with it...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)