
  1. SeanyK

    Short journeys - damage car or myth?

    Hey folks; Something i've always wondered, let's say, you worked, 5 minutes down the road, but not the best walking route due to no path / main road etc! Obviously weather at the moment as well... Would driving there, and back every day cause damage to the engine/car? Not ragging it or...
  2. speedsix

    TBA with key a myth?

    Apparently so Need vag-com to do a TBA apparently. I swear using the key method does effect the adaptations, car always felt jerky after doing it.
  3. K&N Oil = MAF damage "myth"

    Seems K&N are very keen to put this issue to bed. They've apparently even gone to the trouble of conducting tests that they claim prove their side of the story. See here: Appologies if this has been posted before. Cuprablue
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