
  1. Adibo

    What's inside muffler of VZ 310?

    Hi, does anyone have a picture of rear stock muffler how it looks inside when cut open? tnx!
  2. Damo H

    Exhaust systems Exhaust System Guide for the MK3 Leon Cupra

    As originally supplied by @Damo H, here is a visual representation for the variants of exhaust systems across MK3 SEAT Leon Cupra models. Key: CAT - Catalytic Converter GPF - Gasoline Particulate Filter Resonator - Alter tone of engine noise Muffler/Silencer - Reduces volume of engine noise
  3. Cupra 280 - resonator or rear muffler (silencer) delete? Help!

    Afternoon people, Just a very quick one. I'm looking to delete my resonator or rear muffler (silencer), can someone please help me in choosing which one I should delete? I'm more leaning towards the rear muffler at the moment. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Please see attached...
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