
  1. Plug-In Tuning Modules

    Ok..I've seen some plug-in tuning modules on ebay for £20!! Any comments? I seem to recall this sort of thing costing £300+!?


    A friend tried to fit one of these to his 1.9 110hp unit but the connectors appear to be of a different size -anyone else had this problem with this manufacture??
  3. VAG Diesels Rul

    door modules

    Hi, I have recently run my battery dead by mistake and have charged it up fine.The only problem is that the electric mirror,electric window and lock doesn't work.I spoke to a friend and he mentioned looking at the door module and I'm not sure what it is.Any other advice on this problem would be...
  4. +20 bhp modules

    hi folks. newbie here. not long had my leon and starting with the cheapest mods 'cause the mrs is bigger than me. lol. can anyone tell me anything about these +20 bhp modules that are on ebay. according to a mate they could harm the engine. he reckons its about the same as running an engine with...
  5. Does anyone here use Dragon diesel engine tuning modules?

    This is mainly for my Mondeo ST TDCi, but the Mondeo forums aren't as helpful as SCN and there are so many people on here that know about performance tuning I thought I'd ask anyway. I've been pointed to as a place to find diesel engine tuning products for my Mondeo. They...
  6. modules measuring blocks and adaptations

    Hello all, I have just spend hours auto scanning through all the modules on my 1.8T Cupra 2003. I have gone through all the measuring blocks and adaptations and have put them into a word document. Question is how do I attach a word document to this message? I cut and paste and it looks rubbish...
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