misfire or juddering

  1. ItzNik0_

    Stutters, accelerations and injection cutting on 1.9 tdi pd105

    Engine code BXE, seat leon mk2 2007, This have been a problem for the last month, it's been gradually worsening, it started gradually from little stutters to where we are now, it's cutting injection, going full power, cutting again, until I let off throttle, it happens on cold or hot, it happens...
  2. jamieibizaFR

    1.2tsi Cold misfiring and misfiring under boost

    Having an ongoing issue with my Ibiza 6J 1.2tsi (105) CBZB . On cold starts the car will misfire but when at operating temp it still does the same thing it misfires and also has a higher than normal idle (normal being around 750rpm ) it will sit at around 900-950rpm. When accelerating under...
  3. misfire/juddering

    iv got a seat cupra, just a quick question, when im on duel carrigways n that in forth and 5th gear and i put my foot down you can feel it juddering for a couple seconds and then it picks up. just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem or any idea what it could be? cheers
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