
  1. Wing Mirror Indicator

    I recently purchased a 2019 Seat Leon Cupra 290 and have noticed an intermittent drivers side wingmirror indicator fault. When i unlock the car the indicator flashes as normal, however when i indicate or turn on the hazard lights it does not light up at all. It also does not light up when I lock...
  2. Folding mirrors issues

    Hi just wondering if anyone has any different advice on this issue. I have a Mk3 Seat Leon FR Technology 184, Iv had it for a while now with no issues at all, a few days ago it popped up with a message saying change key battery, I changed it yesterday and at first it didn’t work, the buttons...
  3. ChriskiB

    Power folding mirrors retrofit mk5 Ibiza fr (Fitted)

    Hi all, I have recently retro fitted power folding mirrors to my Ibiza 6J. The parts that you will need to do this mod are the following: 6R0.959.802.A – Drivers Side Controller 6R0.959.802.C – Passenger Side Controller 6J3971120E - Drivers Side Loom 6J3971121E - Passenger Side Loom...
  4. Wing mirrors...folding?

    I've just picked up my FR. Maybe I'm being really stupid but I don't seem to be able to fold in the wing mirrors. I can only assume they are foldable. Don't want to force. Fell a bit of a lemon. Any advice appreciated.
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