
  1. basemanuk

    Maff sensor!

    Looking to change my maff sensor due to me thinking it might be making my car run a little rough. is it pos to get the wrong one? i have found one on e-bay for £35 and i think its the right one for my 2003 LC 1.8t but not 100%. The pic looks right but on the listing it goes on about getting...
  2. maff

    Hi all need a new maff me thinks just been looking for best price and found one on euro car parts web site its £42 not bosch heres the discription ,PWM Air Flow Meter LEON (1M1) 1.8 T Cupra R (Hatchback) Years: 02/02- Engine: 1781cc 20v 4Cyl would this be ok or would a bosch 1 be required...
  3. wild willy

    Descreening The Maff

    I recently replaced my maff with a new unit and was pleased to reach 246g/sec, this was a little aggressive boost wise in the mid range so i made adjustments with my mbc and limited peak boost to produce 237 g/sec. i have run a non screened oversized maff housing in the past that always...
  4. payno

    Fitted New Maff. Need Help

    I have just fitted my new MAF and along with a ECU reset,took it for a spin and now have even lees boost as before. Am i missing something here. Please see link from my other thread and i would be very greatful for any help.
  5. wild willy

    Max Maff Airflow Before Saturation

    Does anyone know what the max airflow reading a standard Maff (LCR) will read before its maxed out. What level of approx bhp will this equate to. I have seen readings of 210g/s on LCR's at approx 260bhp. Do you think it will still be within range at a bhp of 290 ish. i know that larger Maff's...
  6. krizz51

    maff sensor part code

    dont suppose any one knows part no. for maff on a yreg 1.8 20vt cupra hope u can help. rang dealers but parts is shut
  7. JKing

    Maff mass flow

    What MAF readings should i be getting on a standard (bar bmc, standard map) 180bhp Ibiza Cupra-R?? Just been and done a quick log and the MAF readings don't look as healthy as some I've seen :confused:
  8. andy_dea

    what flow should standard cupra maff show on standard map?

    we where playing with vag com yesterday for the first time, on my mk3 ibiza, everything is standard on the car engine wise the maff readings where only hitting 100.6 or something and was wondering what other people are logging on standard engine, new to vag com ect and just started playing...
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