
  1. Raceland Coilovers

    Hi, Does anyone run raceland coilovers, if so what’s your opinion on them? Seeing a variety of different opinions online Thanks
  2. Lowered/Coilovers

    Hey, Could anyone who has their car lowered link me what coilovers or springs they have? If you have a photo of how it looks at whatever height you have your car too that would be useful for reference! Thanks
  3. mendez

    Altea Freetrack TDI lowered

    Hi All, Just a quick parts list to lower a Freetrack with oem equipment. Original ride height (not exact) Fr - 84.04mm Fl - 88. 42mm Rr - 93.92mm Rl - 92.94mm Mk6 Golf R springs: Part Number: Front - 1K0411105DC - Dots = brown/pink/blue Part Number: Rear - 1K0511115BH - Dots =...
  4. Going from lowered to original suspension

    Hi all, Had the 290 SC running on lowered springs for 3 years now (from new) and as I’m intending on buying the car when the balloon payment comes up next month I’m thinking of putting the original springs back on. I don’t think I can continue with the absolutely awful comfort anymore (maybe...
  5. Benzy

    lowered and bigger wheels??

    hi guys, just looking to see what your combination of lowering springs and wheel sizes are. im getting some new alloys and want to know what size i can get away with when i lower it. thanks :)
  6. lcrboy

    lowered my k1 on sportline today

    hi all, just finished lowering my cupra! looks awesome so much sleeker........well happy with it! to anyone who is running standard springs get yourself some sprotlines!:)
  7. cupragav

    cupragavs LCR progress thread ***few new ideas, comments please***

    Hey people, thought it was about time i done my own readers thread. I have had the car bout 3 years now i bought it completely standard I started to mod it after a couple of months of owning it. To start off with i added the forge 007p which wasnt enough, so i added a bmc cda forced...
  8. Anyone Lowered there Cupra 40 mm

    Guys, Has anyone Lowered there Cupra 40m and if so any chance of some photo's? Cheers Jim
  9. kineticz

    Wishbone angle when lowered

    Just curious whether other owners who've lowered their cars, have noticed the wishbones are at a ~45 degree angle? Is this the sign of lowering too much lol?
  10. Jacking up a lowered car?

    Hello all, here's my dilemma I like to do as much work on my LC as I can but it's a ball ache to get it up in there and on axel stands to work on it safely. Now my cars lowered I have to drive it on to 4 engineering bricks (2 each side) to be able to get the standard jack of death out, put on...
  11. MacFever

    Are there lowered Cupra's or FR's out there ?

    Hi, I just bought a FR DSG and would like to lower it while maintaining a maximum of comfort possible Is there someone who has actually lowered their car on this forum and who cares to post some comment on handling and comfort ? Thanks Eric
  12. DaNnY_LaD

    Picture Request ( LCR lowered on Coilovers)

    Im wondering can anyone Post some pictures of Low Leon Cupra Rs on coilovers only.... Im looking at getting a set for the LCR as i want it low so just wondering what the cupra R look like.. thanks
  13. lowered "60mm" but still looks same height at back?

    stuck some cheap lowering springs on my car when i had an hour free at work, the front used to have a 10cm gap between top of tyre and wheel arch, now it sits nicely. however, the rear has hardly moved at all, still a big gap between the top of the tyre and the arch. is there any way to make...
  14. Lowered, tinted & front bumper extended =]

    standard! just lowered tinted + front bumper extended downwards (wheels also lighter to match mirrors) looks hot, I really want it done now xD who invented money?!!?
  15. lowered!

    hi all, just lowered my Leon Cupra Mk1 with adjustable Jamex coilovers, its 40mm at back, and 40mm front. got adjustable drop links fitted too. ive noticed a problem tho, when i go over a slight hump on the road, its as if somethings grinding at the front, is the anti roll bar hitting against...
  16. dervpower

    For everybody who has lowered their car...

    How and what have you done to stoo the bloody tyres wearing fast on the inside? Got the wheels alligned, think this may have helped, but not cured the problem. have been suggested bolts which the a ridge in which then can mean the camber will be adjusted, like below: This seems a...
  17. KingAnt

    Lowered The Cupra 40mm & New Rims

    Hi Guys i am getting my car lowered at 10am today!! Cannot wait, i have gone for the cheaper option as im skint so i wet for springs. Next year ill go AP coilovers but like i said as i have no money i got a bargin on some springs. I went for 40mm all round on Jamex springs, i got them...
  18. CupraElliott

    Pictures of lowered 60-70mm

    I am considering getting some Weitecs but they only lower around 65-70mm. I will be running 16's. Pics please :)
  19. For all those that have lowered on springs only...

    Due to my shocks having low mileage i am looking to just buy springs for now and then possibly look to buy a kit at a later date. The only car i have had with just springs was a primera that had them fitted prior to me buying the car. It was decked and so bouncy i ended up going back to...
  20. SteveTDCi

    its clean and lowered .. with some better pics + before & after

    I finally managed to get a few better pictures today now that the car has been cleaned after last weekends fun and frollicks of lowering it. The car is lowered on EIbach Sportlines giving a 25mm drop over the standard car. before after before after before after...
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