
  1. Taipan

    Loading MP3's onto MF3D

    Ive had a look at the manual and to me it doesnt make much sense. If I put a cd in with MP3s on, how do I download them to the HDD? If I go to the tracks and press the 'info' button on the right, HDD is there but its not in bold so cant press it. The manual is appalling. Any help greatly...
  2. Bluetooth loading question

    I picked up my FR tdi yesterday and in the dealers he gave me a quick run through the bits and pieces. However, when uploading my phonebook for the first time I have quite a few numbers on the phone and it was taking a while so he interupted it and now it doesnt have everyones names. How do I go...
  3. Pages loading slowly

    Is it just me, or are forum pages taking a long time to open recently ? All other sites I visit seem fine, just here seems really slow :confused:
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