
  1. Lozzy15

    General maintenance General Links

    Links to helpful bits of info on this and other sites Battery Types and what they mean and how to code a new one How to upgrade you boot struts...
  2. paddy6789

    General maintenance Leon Mk3 Official Seat Workshop Manuals Link

    Hi All! I obtained these a few months ago, and they've been a great use so far. Here's a link to all of the Seat Workshop manuals for the Leon Mk3 3dr/5dr. Here's a link to all of the Seat Workshop manuals...
  3. s2celly

    Drop Links

    I'm getting a grinding noise on full lock, got the car on a ramp today to find that the ARB is rubbing on the driveshaft, so i need new droplinks, but what one's do i need........ Please help
  4. gazcuprablk

    any links to sites selling cheaper garrett turbos

    basically my turbo is dead and im after a new turbo to replace it thing is im a bit skint and trying to look after the pennies. so if any of you have come accross any sites that sell garrett turbos cheaper not after some jap copy thing off fleabay can you post the link here as im finding it...
  5. drop links

    Hi everyone, i'm just after a bit of info on stabalizer links (drop links) at the front of my 1.2 ibiza. Are they easy to fit? Do i need any special tools? Cheers in advance
  6. Drop links

    goin get 60mm springs, will i need the shorter ARB drop links, if so where can i get these?
  7. Ross_Cupra-R

    Ibiza Cupra R ARB links

    I've done a few searches and couldn't find exactly what im after so hope someone can help. The R needs new ARB links (the ones on the wishbone) and im not into pay Stealer prices since its near xmas. went to GSF and then euro car parts and they only list the links with 18mm inside diameter...
  8. Knocking Sound-Drop Links?

    Hi, My 2002 ibiza has some knocking noises coming from underneath it. I think the problem is the droplinks. Has anyone an idea of how much 1 is to replace? Thanks.
  9. Scott-o

    Drop links fouling arch lining?

    I have done a search and found nothing specific just a few mentions. With the car on quite allot of lock i get the droplinks rubbing on the arch lining, has anyone else had these problems? I have had a quick look but its dark, i think you will be able to trim the arch lining back where its...
  10. Faisal

    Antiroll bar drop links + steering rack

    Hello, iv done some searching and thread hijacking to no avail :( i recently purchased the whole set of bushes from powerflex. managed to do the wishbones,dog bone etc, but im baffled by the drop link bushes. from what i see in the standard LCR antiroll bar, the drop links have ball...
  11. Gunnie

    Drop links

    Fitted Whiteline ARBs today and should of changed the drop links doh Whats a decent make and best place to get them from;)
  12. cheaps links for 4300K hid's

    Hi guys, thinking about putting in HID's, not sure about the 6000k, could be too strong as i have a black LC Please can you tell me where would be a good place i can buy from, had a look on diane shop on ebay but there is only 6000k on there any help would be great
  13. Fl@pper

    *** Wheel + Tyre Links - adapters/sizing etc ***

    been perusing a few sites recently for wheels odd and wierder the better but came across a couple of handy links Wheel Adapters Made To Order Wheel Offset Calculator Tyre Size Calculator Wheel Offset + PCD Guide Picture Collection of Standard Rims Polished as always these...
  14. arb adjustable drop links lenth

    what sorta lenth has people set there adjustable drop links at. just trying to figure out if ive got them set up wrong as still catch a tad on driveshafts when cornering.[:@]
  15. car_guy143

    Drop Link / Anti roll links

    I hope you don't mind me asking about the drop links/anti roll links for my 1999 Toledo in here, i just think it'll get more replies and the front ends of the Leon and Toledo are the same anyway. I think the drop links need changing on my car as i'm getting a knocking over slight bumps, but...
  16. twig

    Track rods & ARB drop links

    My car had an unfortunate accident a couple of weeks ago :( and now requires 1 new track rod, 2 track rod ends and 1 ARB drop link (although I'll probably just have done with it and do both while I'm there). If it's not going to be too pricey I'll buy new. Otherwise, I'll try to get the...
  17. LEE69

    Pictures with a clickable link - MUST NOW USE IMGLINK

    As in this thread when you click the thumbnails it goes wrong,
  18. Links to Useful How-To Guides

    An FAQ isn't an FAQ without a list of links to good guides. Post 'em when you find 'em... Please only post links - that way the thread will be useful and not full of requests / comments, etc. If I have linked to your Guide and you want the link removing then please PM me and I will remove...
  19. Dario

    shorter drop links...?

    where to buy??? i want to lower my car more,have Eibach coilovers,and didnt get shorter drop links do they fit from another VAG car??? Cheers
  20. Adjustable Drop links?

    Am I right in thinking that if you are fitting coil overs you need to purchase a set of adjustable drop links? in terms of having a performance exhaust, the adjustable drop links allow for things to sit lower so nothing knocks or rubs when you fit the coilies.....just remember reading it some...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)