
  1. Ambient lighting/wrap around

    Hi all, My partner has just got a 2021 Leon FR (believe this is the MK4) When viewing the car, the dealer showed us that you could change the colour of the interior lighting (on doors and wrapping around the dashboard) We picked the car up yesterday and can’t seem to find this option. I’ve...
  2. 2019 Leon Cupra Background Lighting Not Working

    As the title, I recently picked up a 69 reg (2020) Leon Cupra 290 Lux. Now I'm supposed to have ambient lighting in the door cards and footwell, but neither seem to be at any point, neither on the passenger or driver side. Doesn't matter whether I have Auto lights selected, what color, how...
  3. YatesCupraCultMember

    Unlocking or Adding ‘Smart Ambient Cabinet / Dashboard Lighting LED Color change

    Hi All , first time posting on here, been looking into a few things I have noticed in my car that are different to my brothers Formentor (his being the hybrid) and wondered if anyone else had the same queries mainly for me the wrap around led light bars for my car aren’t a feature that seems...
  4. Leon MK3.5 Ambient Lighting Options Issue

    Hi All! Having issues with my 2019 Seat Leon Cupra, it has ambient lighting in front door cards and in both digital dash and centre console, have noticed that once going into the background lighting settings there is a slider of about 14 different colour settings, ranging from...
  5. Ambient Lighting - Is it possible to have it on permanently?

    Hello, Just got my Formentor today but one thing is niggling me and I can't seem to find any useful information in the manual or online. I have been through all the lighting settings that I can find and the only way to get the ambient lighting in the cabin to stay on is by manually turning the...
  6. Ambient lighting in FR

    Hey I've recently bought a Mk4 Leon FR (not 1st edition) so I have the ambient lights in the door trim but not the wrap around lighting. In previous models the ambient lighting has been able to change colour, but I can't find where to do this in the settings, it's just always red. Does anyone...
  7. Lozzy15

    Lighting Extra boot light - How to install an LED strip in your boot

    Hi guys & gals, With the winter months up ahead and the nights starting to draw in, I recently fitted an LED strip to properly light up the boot in the dark. As I work at odd times, I often find myself in the boot at dark hours! This is a simple mod to do and requires a small amount of...
  8. Lighting Installing Rear Indicator LEDs

    Time: 10 minutes each side Level: Easy with care Parts: 17mm Hex Drain Plug Key or equivalent and suitable socket and bars Protective cloth Two polarity sensing BAUs21W (offset pins) LEDs. These are needed because unusually the centre pin on the bulb holder is negative. The can is...
  9. JoshRedCupra

    Lighting How to Install Footwell LED's

    Installing LED footwell lights on Seat Ibiza Cupra These are the LED's I will be using: I picked them up off of Amazon for quite cheap but I know they are a decent quality. I've already run the wiring in on the passenger side it looks like this: Step 1 - Remove the fuse for the interior...
  10. Auto headlights product, Ibiza 2014 Hi guys I found this product online, does anyone know if they’ll work on my Ibiza? I emailed the sellers and they said they can’t be certain as it’s made with VWG in mind, they wouldn’t...
  11. Seat Leon FR Ambient Lighting problem!

    Hey guys, I am new the site, and i am so excited to be here. So last week, i got my 2015 Seat Leon FR ST 184 bhp. Loving the car, it's a dream to drive (obviously) - but! The previous owner refitted some sort of android headunit, which is fine, I've actually spoken to him on the phone (Car was...
  12. Interior Lighting

    I have a 2010 model Altea XL SE 1.9TDi DSG. The interior lights are very yellow and dim, especially the small lights above the sun blinds. Is there a brighter/whiter bulb (maybe LED) that I can fit as a straight bulb replacement? If so can anyone give me the code,part number or link...
  13. Lighting wiring diagram needed

    Hi I'm trying to install a seven pin plug to be able to use a lighting board The instructions say consult manufacturers handbook for wiring colours etc and i'm struggling to find anything. Does anybody have a lighting wiring diagram for a 07 ibiza Thanks Mike
  14. HID Lighting

    I'am looking to get HIDs for my ibiza. I dont know much about it tbh. Does anybody know good places to get them. Preferably 8000ks. Much appreciated for the help :)
  15. In-car Lighting

    Has anyone fitted some kind of footwell lighting in their cars or under-bonnet lighting? The previous owner of my car had some but they have been removed before i bought it, but the switches still there so thinking of mabey re-installing some. Could anyone tell me where the bought theirs...
  16. Interior Lighting..... (with pics)

    Hi Guys, I know it's not new or original and much the same as Mikes and others on the listed foreign Leon forums. Anyway, today I got around to changing the lighting on the centre console part and the switches near the handbrake. I'll be changing the mirror ones in a couple of days as they are...
  17. DSG Gearbox lighting problem

    I would like to ask if somebody except me knows this issue: when I gentle hit the DSG gearbox tunnel his lightning turn off, and then with another tap will turn on again. I recorded a video that shows the problem I'm afraid I have...
  18. Cornering lighting - seriously RTFM!

    If I get another customer booking in their car because 'for some reason one of my front foglights seems to come on' i'm going to scream! Had about four this week now its got dark, all of them look at you like you've gone out when you explain
  19. Dashboard lighting colour...

    Hello everyone, I've recently bought a Leon and love it (Off to a good start here?!) My question is a simple one and I've searched the forums already - what is the exact orange colour of the dashboard back lights? I know they're redish orangey, but what level? To give an example, BMW is 605nm...
  20. Lighting Help (Bulb sizes)

    Hi guys. Im looking to change my interior bulbs and numberplate bulbs for the bright wight xenon look. Does anyone know what bulbs are needed and if so what size and fitment i need to get? Am i right in thinking the numberplate bulbs and interior reading light bulbs would be festoons all round...
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