
  1. RaggedLob

    MASSIVE jolt when lifting off in 1st/2nd... HELP!

    I drive a 3cyl 1.2 12v, which, ever since i bought it, has had a real problem with smoothness in the lower gears... Lifting off the throttle (even lightly) in 1st or second gear causes a HUGE painful jolt to resonate through the cabin, and the whole car jerks back. this is regardless of revs...
  2. CraigW

    Boot Lifting Stuts.

    Just a quick one. Would a set suited for a polo fit? Craig.
  3. Lifting up Rear seats

    Anyone know if it is possible to lift up the rear seats to get underneath of them? wanting to hoover the car out tomorrow but can't see anyway of lifting up back seats to get at the carpet below without physically unscrewing them.
  4. Noise when lifting off in 3rd/4th

    Im probably just being paranoid but have only just noticed this toady after getting 2 new tyres fitted. I have a fr tdi and when accelerating gently up to about 2,000 rpm in 3rd or 4th when i lift off, there seems to be what can only be described as a croak coming from somehwere in the...
  5. invisiblekid

    Juddering LC when lifting off

    Hi All, I'm after a bit of help. On Saturday morning my 02 LC (56k on the clock) started juddering (almost like a misfire when coil packs have failed)when I lifted off the accelerator. It seemed to boost fine, but as soon as I lifted off the judder came back and got progressively worse. :(...
  6. freddie

    Coils lifting.

    The other day i noticed the coil has risen in cylinder 1 & 3 higher then 2,4. Pushed them back on firmly to the plugs. After a quick journey noticed these two had risen up again. So now tightened up plugs to see if this stopped the issue but i've had no luck. Has anyone else had an issue like...
  7. Laquer lifting on the bonnet

    Help, Bought my 03 Ovni yellow LCR from a Seat dealer in 03 with 4k on the clock it had been an ex demo. Over the last month the laquer has lifted off the bonnet in a large strip and is ever expanding. An idependant paint specialist says it has had a re-spray and the laquer has not bonded to...
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