
  1. Does the DSG Learn?

    I've read in a few threads about the DSG learning your driving style. Is this correct? Do the gear changes etc actually alter when the car gets used to the way you drive??
  2. lukey

    The GF wanted to learn how to wash and polish her car properly..

    so she helped me do mine, in fact she did most of it which was a big help as i had ripped ligaments and cartlidge in my wrist and can put literally zero pressure on it so im a bit **** at polishing and buffing at the moment. She wants to do her car properly and hers hasnt been washed...
  3. newbie wanting to learn

    hi every 1 my names patrick i currently have a mk3 1.4 chill its highly modified on the outside ive now decided to have a change and get myself a cupra im 22 and the insurance is pretty high iv'e been quoted just around a grand for a normal 1.8t 20v but to be quite honest id like a cupra r but...
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