
  1. Moffat

    i want a large sheet of vinyl.

    Does anyone know where i might be able to get a roll/sheet, of black vinyl, big enough to cover my car roof with. i can find 25m rolls on ebay, but they're only 600mm wide. Idealy, i'd want to cover the roof in one go. Had a bit hunt about on ebay, but can't find anything huge.
  2. Large Charge Pipe

    Evening all. Havent been on in a while but im back and wanting a bit of help. Was searching the internet the other day and came across a guy with a BAM TT and he had various mods but oneof the mods was froma member of this site. It was a large charge pipe, think the internal diameter had been...
  3. Looking for new clocks for my08 1.9tdi stylance, LARGE MFD ones

    Hi All, I've got a '57 plate 1.9tdi stylance and am on the verge of fitting a RCD 510 headunit and BT module. Looking for a new set of clocks. Mine have the small information display and i'm looking to change them for the ones with the full display. I'd consider a set of used clocks but my...
  4. Can an air filter be too large?

    ordered and received a Green filter Cone (30cm) long, but did not realise how actually big it was going to be, and to say it's going to be tight fitting in the bay is some what an understatement..... this can fit, with the cutting down of pipes, but my next question is, can it be too large...
  5. YerMother

    Large Port Manifold Injector Seats

    I got hold of a large port inlet manifold and trying to fit it to my BAM engine and the injector seats are too small for the injector to slot in. The injector diameter is the same(nozzle with the 'o' rings) but the injector body itself is too wide for the injector to slot all the way in. You...
  6. Yumann

    Large Por AGUt Head Build (New Project)

    Large Port AGU Head Build (New Project) My large port AGU cylinder head build... Phase 1: Spec of Build: Solid lifter head CAT Mechanical cast camshaft set CAT solid lifter tapets with lash caps CAT Valve Spings Ferrea Oversize Valve Titanium Retainers New Valve seats...
  7. barnsley

    fitting large port head to small port engine help please

    thinking about fitting a large port head to my small port auq engine am i right in thinking that the large port it vvt and the small port is not so do i just swap my cams and tensioner over so i can run the large port not vvt
  8. PhilW

    Large Port Head with Eliminator

    I think after reading robdons thread that i'll be going k04 GTRS eliminator. Now my question is, i was going to go for a different turbo so i bought a large port head to do the valves etc... would it be worth goin for the head channge on this turbo/power/flow or should i not bother? Thanks.
  9. BCM

    Knockhill - Raceday (large images)

    BTCC Action Sorry bout the guy with the hat in that one!
  10. barnsley

    large port engine codes

    large port head engine codes anyone hi does anyone know the engine codes for the large port cylinder head also is they problems with to do with fitting when they are uswd to replace the small port thanks
  11. Large Bore LCR TIP - Register interest

    Anyone interested in a Large Bore LCR TIP from Forge Motorsport please register interest:
  12. Craig!

    1.8T Large port exhaust manifolds...?

    OK I know A&M have just released one for the Ibiza and thats what has got me thinking, but before I jump the gun and buy one does anyone have any views on large port exhaust manifolds? Are they worth the £££, also does anyone know of anyone / any reviews of large port manifolds used on other...
  13. andy_dea

    where cna i get a large port head to fit my ibiza?

    on the search for a large port head for my ibiza, i know the manifold will not fit but i will look into the alternatives or a custom plenium if need be any ideas? and does anyone know which engines you can get them off im guessing the standard cams ect will swap over, and while in bits...
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