
  1. Reuvers

    VW '92 Jetta G60 Eaton Kompressor (New rims!)

    Alright then, I sold the Cordoba Cupra a few weeks back leaving me with the Golf 1 daily. However I was missing the power of the Cupra so needed to find a replacement. I had set my mind on a Jetta because of space reasons, and wanted it with a G60. After quite a bit of searching I...
  2. Seat Leon Kompressor ?

    Hello everybody, I'm a new user from Switzerland, I've just ordered my new Leon Cupra 4 Kompressor. Did you heard about this specific model ? I think it is only available in switzerland. It's the V6 2.8l engine with a kompressor, it gives the car a nice 280HP!!!! I can't wait to drive it...
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