
  1. SEAT Ibiza 2 (6K1, 1.4 i phase 3)- Engine knock, Injector circuit low on all cylinders.

    Hi, I have recently an issue on my Ibiza 2. Engine doesn't start. At first OBD Scanner was giving me a TPS issue (P0322) , after cleaning it everything went back to normal. After 4 weeks (without driving it, nor fueling it back it was already full tank) I got back to what seemed to be the same...
  2. What is this sound?

    Hey all! I did buy My first seat and The engine is making this kind of noice what is on The video. If someone knows what it is please tell me.
  3. rod the sod

    Weird knock!

    Hey i am just wondering if anyone knew what has gone on my car! it makes a clunking noise when is accelerate and braking and occasionally when i am turning! anti roll bar bushes mayb?
  4. Loony R

    LCR Knock, Knock!!!

    Hey guys! I'm angry!! [:@] I've had this "knocking noise for a year now and whatever I do it wont go. It comes from the front off-side and only does it when turning left into say a side street or onto my drive etc if there are any small bumps in the road or cerbing etc. It never does it if...
  5. DannyC87

    Backfire, Knock and EGT fault code LCR

    In the last couple of days my LCR has backfired twice, I'm not talking about popping, I mean gunshot like backfires. It does it when not fully warm with a bit of boost, not WOT whilst accelerating but lifting off slightly to avoid wheel-spin. I have checked for error codes and ge the following...
  6. Anyone have the 'knock'?

    Right i've read the threads and changed my ARB bushes (I think the metal ring was hitting the console on one side as it left a mark) but the new bushes have given it more room and I checked the droplinks, they're sound. Any ideas? It's mainly a knock or clunk when I dip the clutch or...
  7. Play in steering and now slight knock

    Evening all Ive done a search and couldnt find anything that relates to mine specifically, so i thought i might test your brains :p Basically when moving steering left or right when driving it feels loose and very spongy and you can feel a slight knock, through the steering and also hear it...
  8. Klunk / Knock Front Somewhere?

    Ibiza Cupra TDi 160 2007. Getting a klunk or knock that can be felt through the floorpan of the car after coming to a stop, any ideas what or where from? Help?!
  9. yellowbeezer06

    Suspension knock after fitting coilovers

    Right.....since fitting coil overs the car is knocking its nuts off at the front end, its approx 60mm lower at the fron now i havnt changed arb yet but my lower arm bushes are absolutley being eaten alive. Can i get different lower arms that will stand up to being up faced up further than they...
  10. Suspension knock when turning over rough surfaces....

    I have replaced the console bushes and checked the ARB doesn't move and is the metal end piece version but I still get the hammering, clonking noise as I go round a cobbled mini roundabout at the bottom of my road. Dont get the noise in any other situations other turning over bumpy ground...
  11. Blade

    Knock sensor location

    Need to locate knock sensor 1 (G61) on the Cupra engine to eliminate a fault. Any suggestions please. A picture would be even better. Thanks
  12. matylad

    Knock Sensor....Help!

    After a little help here guys. My sisters Leon Cupra 1.8T AUQ threw an engine diagnostic light a few weeks ago. Hooked it up to vagcom and the error code was something to with a knock sensor. Cleared the code and the light stayed out, however it was very stuttery on tick over. I initially...
  13. supercuprar

    knock knock knock.. ARRRRGGH

    im tearing my hair out with this knocking noise from the front end of my lcr ! ive had the top mounts changed thinking its that and ive had the ARB looked at , when i go over bumps it knocks and if i wiggle the steering wheel left and right quickly it makes the same sound even on flat roads...
  14. Knock on my arosa

    Hi im just wondering if someone could give me an idea of whats up with my car and if its bad. Its an arosa its only done 19000 miles. when its on tickover theres a knocking noise but when i push my clutch in it stops. What is it? Is it bad? Price to fix etc If anyone could help i would be...
  15. ibizadoyle

    squeak / knock

    i have a fr130 ibiza and have just fitted coilovers, since fitting the coilovers there been a loud squeaking / knocking sound from the front of the car mailnly p/s. anyone got any ideas of wat this could be??
  16. crazyshad1

    Depressed LCR owner, knock knock knock!!!

    I've got an annoying knocking sound from the front end of my car. I get it going over bumpy road surfaces and speed bumps. I can yank the steering wheel side to side (while driving) and it will knock. I've had the car in at the stealers twice, getting seriously annoyed with it now. I've replaced...
  17. Cupra Engine Knock??

    My Cupra seems to have an engine knock, this only happens when it's pulling away in gear at low rev's, ie It doesnt do it when reving out of this normal as when i took it back to the dealer the noise was normal or they just don't hear what i do...i picked up the car with 8miles on the...
  18. wurzel

    Front suspension knock / rattle

    I picked up my Cupra on Saturday, loving it to bits although it seems to have a knock / rattle / creak coming from the front end over poor surfaces and low speed but on smooth roads it is fine. I have done a search on here and got a few possible causes but would like some more information on...
  19. Jimski

    Tappity Knock

    Yo, Started the leon up this morning after washing it to discover a rather loud tappity tap! I believe this to be the camshaft or camshaft follower linked to the hydraulic tappits. I took her for a warm up, got it up to 90c and low and behold, the noise had gone, left the engine to go cold...
  20. super_stylin

    exhaust knock?

    this is annoying me now, when turning round a sharp right over a rough road there is knock under the car. had a look and eliminated it to the center box knocking inside the half pipe it sits in. its got the standard box on the car, anyone else had this before?
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