
  1. DaNnY_LaD

    Phenolic/PowerGasket Insulator

    Im looking in to these at the moment.. Are these actually worth the price take or is it a con.... Bill Does them for £70 odd and id buy them if i knew it was going to do somesort of good.. Opinion please... thanks
  2. Intake Phenolic Insulator Gasket-Smallport 1.8T ?

    saw this on the group buy section under badger 5 and it looks good call me stupid, but where does it actually sit? I am guessing it spaces out the inlet manifold? just thinking of buying one, but when I take it to the garage to get fitted, I at least like to know what I am talking about...
  3. Boo

    Collnite 845 Insulator wax ??

    Just saw this product on the clean and shny website and wondered if anyone had ever used it ? If so whats it like ?
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