
  1. Engine trouble, Helpp! gutted :(

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi lads, not long brought a 2002 Ibiza cupra. Had a few problems with it and ive only had it a day. complete nightmare. Can you tell me if an audi A3, Vw 1.8 20v turbo engine will fit straight in and replace...
  2. help, just bought a mk3 ibiza 1.4 8v

    Right would appreciate it if someone could tell me a few things. 1. where could i find coilovers? or shocks and springs ? want to lowerabout 40mm or 60mm depending on what wheels i want 2. can you run 13's? with low profile tires like 45's on? or whats the least? 14inch? 3. what engine...
  3. will_ainsworth

    gauge fitting helpp...

    ive read the other threads and there great help, but im just wondering how to get the headlight dial switch out:lol: the part on the right i cant seem to pop it out, ive tried to wedge a screwdriver in to pop it but no luck, its freezing and dark now :( but just need some kind of help lol
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