
  1. unmapped - can't hear turbo

    morning all just got my cupra back from getting a new breather pipe fitted. when the breather pipe was split i could hear the turbo whistle. after getting it replaced i can no longer hear it. question is should i be able to hear or not and should i feel a kick when its engaged. my...
  2. andyc58

    I can hear std dv noise

    Hi people.I brought a green panel filter the other day and didnt notice any diff really.But last night went out for a drive and now im hearing the dump valve noise witch sounds really nice.It is a standard dump valve the comes on the lcr.Can anyone tell me if it is the panel filter or what as i...
  3. kineticz

    Can't hear DV since fitting FMIC and turbo?

    For some reason the Turbosmart DualPort Kompact can't be heard now since the FMIC and ko3s have been fitted? Any ideas why? :confused: The engine does however make a nice whistle sound and gets higher pitch when I put the throttle down which I can only assume is air sucking through the pipes...
  4. Can you hear the wind ??

    Hi all, Quick question... when you turn your heaters off can you all of a sudden hear the wind like its coming in through a hole its not supposed to be. (somewhere in the dashboard) I'm driving a 2005 TDI FR 150 with the electronic heater controls if that makesa difference? Any ideas...
  5. Havok316

    No power, But can hear loud whooshy Noise?!? HELP

    Was going shopping when my wife said she felt the wheel spin and the car juddered. After we finnished shopping I drove back and noticed a very loud whooshy noise coming from outside and no power. It sounds like a pipe could have come off? Anyways I pulled over popped the bonnet and had a nose...
  6. red line fun

    what's the buzzing i hear on exiting car?

    comes from engine bay, sounds similar to when you set your house alarm (i.e. the buzzing the keypad makes) although much quieter. stops after 15 - 20 secs.
  7. Can you hear air?

    When i drive slowly over bumps and pot holes, i can hear air coming from under the car. it sounds as if i have a puncture in my tire and air is being forced out, but i don't, sort of like when you squeeze a punctured football. Anyone els get this? Any idea what it is? It docent cause any...
  8. p34ch3y

    n249 bypass bearly hear the dv

    yes i know guys another n249 bypass thread sorry but this is werd n doing my nut because the EXACT thing happend th my onvi yellow cupra my 1st one. right did the n249 bypass lovely no probs 4 a couple of days then all of asudden you can bearly hear the dv its like a whisper n the boost gauge...
  9. Think I can hear an air or vacuum leak...

    On the Passat, I can faintly hear what sounds like a air or vacuum leak. (It might be some sort of rattle, not completely sure). It's very consistent though. If I'm cruising with no or hardly any throttle, I can't hear anything untoward. But the slightest throttle application results in...
  10. tigor

    A Dub at hear

    A Dub at heart :D
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