
  1. clutch cable gave up the gost after 90,000 miles

    hi guys its been a while since i posted on here.but need some help as i have no car.ive lost my clutch pedal and no gears i think its the cable can anyone confirm if so has anyone changed one?do they need adjusting? can i do it my self and is there a post on here how to replace it i need my...
  2. Damoegan

    Gave her a quick clean for the RS tuning RR day

    Prob a waste of time as it will be filthy by the time I get there but give it a good wash today
  3. My Toledo

    Just got this two days ago after having a 1.4 Mk3 Golf for 5 years its the 1.8 20v S
  4. daveyonthemove

    Gave the leon a quick clean and wax

    Decided my car needed a good wash today, and a layer of wax before the bad weather sets in, so heres a few pics. Used Pinnacle Souvran wax to give it a deep shine, but durability is poor with it, so i'll be topping it up with something longer lasting in a month or so.
  5. stevegti6

    gave the cupra a bath

    gave the cupra a bath in autoglym http:// http:// http://
  6. Molehill_Mike

    Gave In.. N249 Bypass Done...My View

    Yesterday after having a bit of a cleaning session with FlashBSD ((AKA Banned) Pics To Follow)... I decided to tackle the N249 bypass....well.. when I say tackle I mean, allow Flash to complete the procedure on my car :D :roflmao: Have to say, DV response is much better, and car feels better...
  7. Gave my Leon Cupra TDI the "Tunit" Treatment

    Hello All, After a few weeks or trying to decide how to get my 150 Cupra tuned I thought that I'd settled on getting a Revo remap. The only thing putting me off was the extra £150 for the SPS (I really think this should be included in the cost of the Revo). Also the fact the the Revo was a...
  8. gave the cupra a clean the other day

    took a pic of it today....... i forgot how high the thing was on 17s haha lowering kit needed asap!! was hoping the weather would stay good for a few days but it hasnt as i gotta apply paint renovator and give it a good wax.....paint aint shiney enough for me after winter all...