
  1. Bluetooth gap issue

    Hello, my car infotainment is acting weird with the bluetooh connection. Whenever I connect my phone and starts listen to music, the info of the song and the current actual song playing is incorrect. Example... I'm listening to "Bohemian Rapsody" but the name says "Nothing else matters", then...
  2. Syphon

    Welcome to our new forum sponsor

    Welcome to our new forum sponsor "Independently 5-Star rated GAP insurance at prices up to 85% LESS than a Motor Dealer would charge." DBK @ and Tim @ will look after you and are offering members a 10% discount. Head on over to their...
  3. iammooks

    Leon front bumper/grill to bonnet gap adjustment...

    About seven years ago I was involved in a front end crash. After the repair, I noticed that the bumper and grill have never sat as flush with the bonnet as they used to. It was something that always bothered me, but I didn't know enough about cars then to be able to say anything or do anything...
  4. Gap between the Ashtray and stoarage area...

    Hey guys, I've been a bit of a pillock, I had parked up but couldn't be bothered squeezing my ipod into the glovebox so I sat it in the gap between ashtray and storage area, I forgot about the ipod for a few days but when I came to use it I noticed it had fully fallen through the gap, but I...
  5. james walker

    ngk bk7re gap from the manufacturer

    guys,anyone know what these plugs come gapped as please? i used them out of the box 3 months ago and was wondering if they are causing my hesitancy issues and lean running... im aware the gap for mapped is 0.028? correct... as i said i left them as they were, any ideas? cheers
  6. DaveysFR

    A stop gap to a full cat back or turbo exhaust for a bit more noise...

    Hi guys, I was thinking what I could do to make the exhaust a bit louder on my Cupra for the smallest outlay of cash as possible. I was going to get a Cat back but I decided I would try and remove the middle box from the standard exhaust system to see how it would sound. So I took the car to...
  7. Donnyboy

    Mk2 Leon Sunroof gap

    Anyone with a sunroof on their Mk2 Leon help??. When you slide it back. Does it go right back or can you still see some of it from inside the cabin? If you look from above when open. How many inches of glass can you still see? Cheers.
  8. Gap between head unit and shelf/cubby hole below?

    Ive just fitted my Alpine CDA-9855r headunit from my previous car and there's a gap between the shelf and headunit! It previously had a Blaupunkt Madeira headunit in which the previous owner must have fitted with a hammer and chisel! Im guessing once apon a time there was a dividing piece...
  9. steve0

    Spark plug gap?? Quick reply needed if poss...!!

    Sorry about the rather abrupt title! :) Im going to pick up some NGK BKR7E's from the local motorfactors after work (in about an hour); but do I leave them at the standard gap, or have them regapped?? Also, if it the latter; what is the gap I need to have them set at? I have read it should be...
  10. s3quence

    GAP Insurance anyone recommend?

    Hi I have bought a Leon Cupra and am considering GAP insurance. I know there are alot of people out there are against it but I come across private GAP inurance from and they want £148 for 3 years. I bought it for my Fabia VRS and didnt end up needing it but hate the...

    Plug gap

    does anybody know what the plug gap should be on a 2001 leon cupra , going to get new plugs but need to make sure they are gapped right . done a search but came up with nowt
  12. LCR Exhaust Gap between Rear Bumper

    Dear All, I have just compared another Cupra R with mine and I have noticed that the rear exhause gap between the rear bumper is wider than the other Cupra R. Its as if the exhuast is loose. I have just checked underneth the rear box closest to the tail pipe and the exhaust is definiely...
  13. owen lcr

    GAP insurance question

    do you guys know anything about GAP insurance, i am picking my car up on saturday but the salesman phoned me on friday asking if i would like to take out the gap insurance thingy... i asked him to explain it and he told me that if i pay 20K for my car this year, and if i were to have an accident...
  14. Big_daddy

    Down pipe and turbo 5mm gap

    Ive noticed something. but im not sure if this is normal! The gap between the turbo and the down pipe. there like a 5mm gap (fit a small screw driver throught the gap). Started and checked, i couldnt seen any smoke coming from the gap. Any suggestion guys?
  15. GAP insurance (and other bits)

    Whilst we are buying ours, we started thinking about what other bits we need to get over and above the car itself. Thought about a few things below and wondered where people found the best deals. Things like... GAP insurance - Found a decent price anywhere Tracker - Specifically did it...
  16. Gap Under Stereo Unit? As you can see in this picture. Anyone have any idea what this gap could be used for? I don't really know why it's there, i'm guessing an addition option would have been fitted there. Whats the best use for it? Take the...
  17. Gap between DP & Turbo

    Its only a tiny gap but i can feel air coming out between the turbo and DP shall i tighten it up or get the DP re fitted with a new gasket? When my miltek dp & race cat was first fitted car went very well.. still goes well now just not so much kick and i'm wondering if the gap under full...
  18. stu666

    Gap Insurance

    Just wondering if anyone purchased the additional gap insurance the stealers are trying to sell with all new cars? Personally i didnt bother.
  19. PhilW

    Spark Plug Gap

    What is it supposed to be? I've seen 0.028" (0.711mm) mentioned by on they say the gap should be 1.0mm. Any ideas? Plugs are Denso Iridium Ik22's.
  20. Cupra 200bhp

    Sparkplug Gap?

    What gap should i set my spark plugs to. I am running IHI and 1.2bar off boost? Also im using NKG PFR6Q plug. (Dont know if this makes a difference).
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