
  1. Nath.

    The FR is all Fine and dandy

    Well with all the threads on here about dpf's and limp modes and all the other faults. I thought I would post up and say that my FR is running like a dream and has no faults or issues. My wing has been repaired and it looks like new. Fuel consumption is good. No funny noises. Everything works as...
  2. Factory Fit iPod Connector Functionality

    This question has been asked a few times, so I thought it's worth putting in the FAQ section. Please feel free to add any additonal information. Connecting the iPod The factory fit iPod connector is under the drivers seat on U.K cars (not sure if this is the same for other markets). The...
  3. Bluetooth functionality

    If you get the Bluetooth factory option fitted - what extra menus etc do you get above normal (apart from the obvious 'Phone related stuff)? Irfan recommended the option as it gave access to more settings.
  4. Generic OBD-II Functionality

    Have just been reading these pages: Which refer to the Generic OBD-II Functionality, and that it should still be considered "beta". Was just wondering what experiences have been...
  5. m0rk

    Forum Functionality

    We're gradually turning stuff back on - and seeing what effect it has on performance. New stuff today, is the "who's online" on the main page, and birthdays [but this might still not work!] Also is 'related threads' at the bottom of a post, this uses the search text to come up with similar...