footwell led

  1. tallpaul77

    RGB Ambient Footwell Lighting

    Morning everyone After successfully installing ambient door lights, I thought I would attempt to upgrade the LED footwell lighting to RGB Bought OEM lights 8W0947415 A, B, C & D PIN 1 - + from same wire as the ambient door lights PIN 2 - LIN (PIN 29 on plug C of BCM) PIN 4 - Earth Did some...
  2. JoshRedCupra

    Lighting How to Install Footwell LED's

    Installing LED footwell lights on Seat Ibiza Cupra These are the LED's I will be using: I picked them up off of Amazon for quite cheap but I know they are a decent quality. I've already run the wiring in on the passenger side it looks like this: Step 1 - Remove the fuse for the interior...
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