
  1. Posing3710

    How to update the firmware? (Current version 1803)

    I own a 2020 SEAT Leon 4 1.4 e-Hybrid FR, and I'm looking for guidance on how to update my firmware. Current system details (pictures attached): Software version: 1803 Hardware: H56 Hardware ABT: H37 Software ABT: 3074 Navigation database: 20.11 Radio database: 1.30.24 Codec version: 3.1.4...
  2. MHefnawy

    MIB3 update not working.

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to update my Arona's MIB3 from 0782 to 0870 using files from mibsolution. The update finishes normally as if everything went ok without any errors. But when i've checked the version after rebooting I found that it still on the old version. When i tried for a second...
  3. g3x

    Updating my Seat Ibiza firmware

    Hello, i have a Seat Ibiza from 2019 (i think) im really curious if i have the latest version installed for my MIB2(?) screen: MEN2_EU_SEGPx_P0060L. is there a newer firmware version? where do i download it from? Thank you.
  4. Update NaviSystem

    Hi, I searched on internet an answer at my question but I found nothing this is why I post on the forum. I bought an Ibiza of 2015 (6P). The car have the reversing radar but when I put the rear gear, I've just the bip sounds and nothing on the central screen. I don't have the schematic with...
  5. Seat MIB's firmware

    Hello all I hope you are all good in those crazy days. I'm searching for some Seat firmwares, doesn't have to be the latest. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance and god bless you all.
  6. ryzzey

    Help with software update

    Hi all, Apologies for starting a new thread as I know there are so many threads on software updates for the infotainment system. I am so cinfused by them all and cannot find any download links for the latest firmware. My unit is on 0359 and despite my local dealer saying there are no updates...
  7. PLEASE HELP with firmware update!!

    I've been reading so many threads and it's so confusing trying to find exactly what I need. If anyone can explain in plain English I would be SO grateful!!! So I have a 2016 Leon with the nav + I believe. I'm literally about to retro to the 8" screen (I've read the forums on how to do that so...
  8. RNS.510: The Firmware Story...

    All, We in The netherlands are also looking for this mystery regarding the firmware and the new features available as seen at other satnav's like the Vw or Skoda ones. I'm member of another forum in NL, seat-online and 14-dec some one posted this, a letter from PON, the main distributer from...
  9. RNS 510 /MFD3 Firmware

    Has anyone successfully updated their firmware to version 1100 or above on the SEAT Multimedia system, because I am struggling here. I have borowed a VW (continental)F/W disc titled 004.597.302 and I have the V4 map disc for backup. But when I install the F/W disc I get error 010306 and it...
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