
  1. Casp_

    Number 5 fuse keeps blowing up

    I did a clutch/ flywheel replacement on my seat and now that i put it together i noticed the ac panel is dark, after going trough all the fuse’s on the car i noticed that the #5 one keeps blowing up everytime i turn the electricity on. Its named ”comfort opening/ closing” (a rough translation...
  2. Ambiant door lighting fault

    Hi I've newly bought a seat leon hybrid 2021. Yesterday while parked up the passengers door ambient lighting (under door handle) flickered a few times and went out, since then it's not came back on. Does any one know if this would be a fuse or a electrical problem? what should I do next to fix this?
  3. Upgrading head unit

    Hi , I have a 2013 Ibiza facelift and have had a problem for a while and have finally got round to fixing it. I’ve always wanted to upgrade my standard stereo to a new one with a screen , Apple CarPlay etc but have been held back by the relocation of hazards , airbag and traction control...
  4. Permanent Fuse

    Got a parking dash which needs both the normal "ACC" fuse connection (searching here I can see #40 for the 12V socket is logical/popular) but also needs "12V+" (permanent) connection and I'm drawing a blank on which of the fuses would work for this. Is #27 "interior lights" live when the...
  5. Electrial problems solved!! (I think)

    So after ripping my car apart and putting it back together, I think I have finally killed my electrical gremlins :clap: I searched high and low over the forums but never really found a solution so I am posting this in the hope that it helps others out with similar problems. I had 3 main...
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