
  1. Auto econ confused

    Ive done a search of the forum to try and clarify a climate control query, but havent found the answer so............. I can understand that when I select AUTO the air is conditioned by the warm air from the engine and the cool/cold air from the conditioner. The ECON function basically cuts...
  2. golf_john

    econ help

    just picked up my ibiza today and the aircon/heaters are confusing me.:cry: ive read the manual and that makes no sense either. it says when its off then it saves petrol, which makes sense. but i would say off was when the econ symbol wasnt on display. but when its not on display it sounds like...
  3. CHR15B

    Turning on ECON...

    Do you leave the ECON feature turned on all the time? I've found that with it on my windows sometimes steam up really easy if its raining, turn it off and they clear no problem. Do you leave it turned off all the time, does it make much of a difference? Cheers
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