
  1. Ultimate Dubs - Pictures (May get pic heavy)

    Just thought I'd post a few pictures from Ultimate Dubs today: Not bothered to edit any of the colour balance are anything.
  2. Rolling on Dubs ???

    Has any1 seen or heard of anybody fitting 20" rims on a cupra r 03 plate. Have seen some rims i want but not sure if they will fit or not.:confused: Thanks, rodderz24
  3. Chrisdaman

    Ultimate Dubs 2008

    got that off clubpolo i think it would be another very good chance to get all the mk2s together in a club stand and what people think of the rising seat presence. sorry if this is in the wrong place Chris
  4. AdamRoutley

    any leon FRs rolling on dubs?

    as the name states...such as the rims on dubmeister...like the compomotive...or will these sort or wheels not fit...considering going for the euro look...being a euro car [B)]
  5. pdcupra

    A Few Pics From Ultimate Dubs

  6. dannyk

    Danny's Leon Cupra with new dubs!

    Got them on the day, thanks to Dav for mounting the tyres for me!! They are RS6 wheels painted MG X-Power metalic grey. Heres the pictures: Cheers Danny
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