
  1. DTM twin systel exhausts

    Hi guys/girls when i get my LCR i quite fancy DTM style exhaust pipes, what do you lot reckon? Will that look pretty good? Has anyone done that already on this forum? Cheers :)
  2. Fl@pper

    DTM Toledo Pics

    anyone got any better pics of this car/style/body at all ?
  3. myseatcupra

    dtm mirrors what ya think

    cars in for painting monday. and was thinking i might change the mirrors and get them painted at the same time. what you think of these. i think they look less boyracer than some ive seen. they'll be painted not carbon like in the pic http://www.motor-world.co.uk/show_prod.php?prod_id=1314 stu...
  4. Jamin Berry

    DTM Mirrors Fitted

    Bought them awhile ago for about 30£. did have some m3 style ones sprayed body colour. Changing my mirrors on my car is abit more complicated due to having no door handles. So i had to drill a hole in the bottom of them for my button. Removed: One on: Its the fourth...
  5. Dave_R

    Photo Request..... DTM Mirrors on standard Mk2 GTi

    Hey, know this is not gonna be the best idea I have had but do like the looks of them on the Ibiza, specially as the lacquer is pealing off my mirrors [:@] Anyone got any pics of the Ibiza with DTM Mirrors on? Thinking of getting them and have them sprayed in gloss black.
  6. DTM Mirrors

    put them on earlier today
  7. andyb

    Spotter Guides Updated: BTCC, SEAT Cupras, WTCC and now DTM

    With the race season well underway, SEATCupra.net. Ten-Tenths and Andy Blackmore Design have updated and improved the 2007 Spotters Guide series. Following feedback, we have split the BTCC and SCC Spotters Guides into separate pdf's which will help with print out clarity. Each guide is...
  8. sonic_vi

    RGM DTM Splitter

    anyone got one of these and some pics of it fitted? RGM pics are pants. had one on another car and it looked pants on the RGM pic, saw one fitted and it looked the business so hoping its gonna be the same with the leon one :wtf: RGM REAAAALLLY need a better photographer lol
  9. ljbinks

    dtm wing mirrors

    hi every one i have been offered a pair of dtm wing mirrors for my ibiza i am just wondering if anyone has already changed the wing mirrors and have any pictures of them
  10. nugget

    DTM @brands this weekend

    Anyone off to the DTM this weekend? Just found out from work I have some free tickets :p
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)