
  1. Rick1.8t

    Not a seat but very 'bling' 205 Dimma Turbo Technics + Renault 5 Turbo 2

    Thought some of you guys would appreciate a few snaps of these two, went to a photoshoot yesterday with my friend (owner of the Dimma 205), very nice shoot in a spanking new airhanger full of small planes and the odd helicopter. The 205 is an original Dimma turbo technics sporting a quaiffe...
  2. DamoR

    Dimma fuel cap released..

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dimma-Fuel-Cap-Trim-Ltd-Edition-Brand-New-Seat-Leon_W0QQitemZ280079574488QQihZ018QQcategoryZ43119QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Not sure how this would look?
  3. Moley RUFC

    Dimma Fuel Caps for Mk 2

    Not sure if anyone is interested but i just found this through Dimma. I have checked and it is for new model mk2 Leon. Look better than cheap tacky new Civic ones...
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