
  1. Project NOEL - My Mk1 Leon SX TDi - UPDATE - Debadged, dewipered, tow bar removed!

    Had the car about 2 months now, and its my first Leon so thought i best start a progress thread before too much starts happening. Its the SX TDi model, so sporting a modest 110bhp. Got some big plans now though. Unfortunately as im impatient and wanted the car the day i saw it, and didnt...
  2. DanLewis1991

    anyone dewipered?

    has anyone dewipered ther ibiza mk4? if so please post how its done? i dewipered my saxo and it looked sooooo much better. anyone got any pics of it done?
  3. Nef

    Head-Up's Black Leon Cupra - Sick of White Wheels - Now with pics.

    Been on the forum a few weeks and got my car someotime last week, so thought id post up a few pics of my car. so far iv got a few thing in mind that i want to do to it, but at the mo funds are kinda stopping me:cry: bloody insurance. i bought the car with a few mods on it. saves me a few...
  4. Dewipered, exhaust fitted and cleaned!

    since i had today off i thought i would get cracking with the car, so fitted new rotor arm, cleaned the air filter, cleaned tb (what a difference) dewipered and stopped the rattly exhaust. anyway heres a couple of pics. next to come is; mk3 cupra alloys lowered 60mm cammed debadged...
  5. sl1m1thy

    my mk2 Ibiza :) NEW WHEELS AND DE-WIPERED

    finaly got round to gettting some pictures after a clean round my mates and also uploading the pics from when i'd just got it its a GTI 1.8 16v in KIWI YELLOW and its a 1996 :) from today after a wash the colour of the car looks realy bad on the pics but it was the...
  6. Razor

    Anyone De-Wipered ?

    If So How Did You Cover Up The Hole Where The Wiper Sat In Before ? Ive Just After Doing This And Have A Big Stinkin Rusty Bolt In There At The Moment :( I Assume Some Sort Of Plug...? If So Where Can You Get These and Whats The Technical Name Thanks
  7. PriceyFR

    My Candy White Fr *De-wipered page 8*

    Hi all... I'm pretty new to this site. Got this car at the end of November. Its only my second ever car, after owning a K11 Nissan Admittedly I don't know a HUGE deal about modifying etc. but I think I know enough, and have a few plans for my car. Here are some pictures of it...
  8. Jib

    De-Wipered Rear

    Is this a difficult job to do? Any instructions anywhere? Also, what size bung do i need?
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)