
  1. EGR delete

    Hi there all I’m new to a seat and I have an egr fault when running a test on my car. Bad throttle response and loss of power. I’ve seen people talking about an egr delete but I’m confused on how and what . It’s a 2003 Ibiza mk4 6l 1.2 petrol . Many thanks Ant
  2. Lease vs PCP and mods on a Cupra.

    Hi guys, I have two deals. Cupra 290 2018 Lux for £310 a month on PCP (2k deposit) - 4 years Cupra 290 2020 for £288 a month on lease (800 deposit) - 2 years I am so confused what to go for. The questions I have in mind: 1/ Will I get bored in four years of the same car, probably better...
  3. Cupra 300 ST 2wd Res Delete

    Great condition, fitted for just over a year. Great sound without the drone VagSport Version 2 which seems to be Yr 2018+ £60 pick up from derbyhire £70 inc postage (uk mainland) Also have a TMC Motorsport...
  4. Cupra 300 - Zaustworx res delete pipe and adapter

    This replaces the mid resonator box on a Seat Cupra 300 from 2017 to early 2018. This is for the hatch back 2 wheel drive variant. It is brand new and never fitted. Its made from 304 grade stainless steel. It comes with a fitting clamp AND an extra adapter piece to accommodate larger or...
  5. Is a res delete on 2019 Cupra (PPF) worth it?

    Evening all I know there are plenty of threads about res deletes on the latest 2019 Cupra's, most of which I am caught up on... But I guess the real reason for this particular thread is that I am intrigued to get people's personal opinion on whether they think getting a res delete on the new...
  6. freddiefinn

    1.4 TSI FR Resonator / Front Silencer Delete. Any ideas?

    Hi Forum, Looking at making my little 1.4TSI FR a bit louder, I've seen a few videos online of resonator deletes on the 1.4 6J Cupras and FRs and they sound quite good! Only problem is finding a place that can manufacture the pipe. I'm happy to fit it myself (as i've done with my previous VAG...
  7. What is a turbo muffler delete?

    Hi, I’ve got a 66 plate Leon Cupra 290. Can anyone tell me what a turbo muffler delete is? Is there any benefits other than noise and how much are they?
  8. PCV delete and MOT emissions!

    Hi there, I've been having problems with a high idle when the engine is warm on my 07 Leon FR tfsi. I replaced the front PCV valve with a revised OEM one last year, there seems to be some subtle hissing coming from it, although I can't tell where. Checked the seals on the pipes and back plate...
  9. Taipan

    DPF delete saga hopefully come to an end

    This morning I drove to Motech in Northampton and had my AMD map removed and an Oscarli one put on my FR. The car feels good and I have a lot of trust that this will be the end to my problems. The mapper is very experienced with diesels and DPF. When the AMD map was looked at it was discovered...
  10. WeeG

    BIGG addicted's Leon FR tdi stage 2+ MORE SMOKE, MORE POKE!! GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!!

    Leon FR mods- .DPF Removal with 3" Milltek system and stage 2 Custom Code software (had) . 18" Cupra Orion Alloys . Eibach Sportlines . BTCC spoiler . BTCC sideskirts...
  11. AndrewJB

    PD170 EGR Delete

    Right people Eventually i had planned to get a EGR delete but since having my DPF Removed and 234 horses the car has been spluttering etc on acceleration and JBS seem to think its a sticky EGR Valve so first of all has anybody removed there EGR on a PD170 and if so where did you get the...
  12. White_Lady_170

    Who is the latest to have DPF delete? Need Your help!

    As per title, can whoever has recently went down the DPF delete route please make themselves known to me as i have a few questions for you. Or if someone knows anyone can they let me know so i can PM them Thanks everyone!
  13. evo2345

    dpf delete reviews

    Hopefully i will be collecting my leon Fr TDI next week, The current owner already has the DPF Delete and CC remap. How are you guys with the dpf delete finding the car any problems? hows the MPG ? :)
  14. egr delete valve

    hi, since i've been having trouble with my egr valve.. i'm considering a delete valve instead.. just thought i'd ask if this is good idea.. cheers stu
  15. DPF Delete - MOT PASS!

    Haven't been on here for a while, but when I was previously on there were a lot of questions regarding whether a DPF delete would pass the MOT test and I can confirm it will :funk: 56 Plate FR TDI with 70,000 miles on the clock (remapped since 50k) passed the soot test with flying colours...
  16. Delete N75 Fit Bleed Valve - ok ?

    I believe my N75 valve is playing up as I'm getting boost surging (std 1.8T). So instead of buying a new one at £60 why can't I simply fit a £25 Forge bleed valve ? I understand I can't raise the boost by much before the ECU interferes but surely its a worthwhile mod. Thanks
  17. Taipan

    Sensor and DPF delete!

    Hi after a couple of hundred miles of lovely DPF delete driving my engine management light has come on. An indy garage has told me its the exhaust pressure sensor, which I know go often... 2 questions 1. Anyone think that this is BECAUSE of the DPF delete? 2. Is it necessary to change...
  18. WeeG

    DPF Delete problems again!!!!!!!!

    Loving DPF delete:) Just wondering if anyone can give feedback on the dpf delete and remap, as the gains seem to be really good. HAs anyone had a standard map and then dpf deleted? It sounds amazing my only worry would be warranty lol. Any feedback would be great
  19. Jamie P

    Boot interior light -Where?

    Guys, bonjour, this is doing my head in now, i have no boot interior light, and for some reason, i cant locate where it once was... Ideas on a postcard... Also anyone know the size bulb? 38mm?! Thanks, Jamie.
  20. dannychapman10

    DPF delete with no remap?

    Hey guys, Just wondered what would happen if I got the system from Milltek but had the remap done at a later stage? Would the car still be ok? Also, is it possible to buy just the DPF delete pipe and put a supersprint on it as I just heard what they sound like....very nice!!! :D:D Danny.
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