
  1. CIarkie

    Fitting Cupra2 centre console dails

    I have purchased some dails but am struggling to work out how they can possibly fit a RHD. I only managed to purchased to dails in the holder and dont have a LHD centre console cubby hole, something which i am currently looking for. But even with them mounted in a LHD plastic surely the contour...
  2. White Dails for 2001 Leon Cupra?

    Hey y'all, had a look through the forums and couldn't find anything i'm after some white speedo and rev dials for my leon cupra x reg 2001 model :), anyone know anywhere with some good prices or anywhere thats sells em, any links or help would be much appreciated :)
  3. CIarkie

    Ibiza 1.6 Sport Volt and Temp dails standard?

    Are the battery and temperature dails under the computer (centre console) standard? simple question from a mark 3 cupra wannabe who knows nothing of mark 3 cupra wannabe cars
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