
  1. seat4life

    Seat leon cupra 300 2020 no cupra badge

    So just got my self 2020 cupra 300st copper badge. Couple of things I've noticed No cupra 300 badge at all. Not on the steering wheel or on the instrument cluster. Just one black badge at the front and that's it. What was seat thinking. Why did the remove the flag. Also car seems to be to...
  2. What is a turbo muffler delete?

    Hi, I’ve got a 66 plate Leon Cupra 290. Can anyone tell me what a turbo muffler delete is? Is there any benefits other than noise and how much are they?
  3. Are there any other spoilers available for the Cupra 290??

    I’ve got a 2016 Leon Cupra 290. Just wondering if there are any aftermarket spoilers people have been getting? Not the lip extension, I mean like proper spoilers different to standard.
  4. Manual Cupra 300 clutch issues

    Has any one had any issues with their clutch on a manual cupra? I’ve seen a few other threads on here but they were all for DSG’s. Got in the car this morning and it felt like I was driving a different car, the bite point is completely different, the pedal feels a lot lighter and can some times...
  5. Cupra 300 from Portugal

    Hi to all, from from Portugal and i have one Cupra 300 month, year- 07/2018 Hope to have some help
  6. Nathan bailey


    Hi guys I’m new to the forum currently have a 18 plate 300. Anyway I have been enquiring at BCS regarding a anti drone res delete. I had a zaustworkx one fitted originally but had to take it off due to the drone and not wanting to get a ASBO when leaving for work at 5am . It turns out BCS don’t...
  7. Cupra 300 Modifications on lease vehicle

    Hi Everyone, Can any one suggest any good modifications for a manual 5 door Cupra 300? Slightly limited on the amount of available modifications with it being a lease vehicle but thought here would be the best place to ask seen as though leasing is getting so popular and others may be in the...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)