
  1. 2Stevo2

    Front Tweeter Crackling

    Hi guys, Noticed recently that the front passenger Tweeter has started crackling a little. Most noticable whilst using DAB. Has anyone else experienced this? Knowing very little about the speaker setup and wiring, can anyone recommend things for me to check? Would love to avoid taking it to...
  2. IainW

    Speakers crackling in cold weather?

    My driver side speaker is working intermittently at the moment and sometimes it crackles. At first I thought it was the snow on the roof affecting the aerial, but it does it for CDs as well. Told my dad this (he has a 1.4 Stylance) and he has had the same thing happen to him. Is it just the cold...
  3. crackling noise

    my leon 1.8 20vt makes a crackling noise wen i turn it off! is this just the turbo cooloing or is there something wrong with it? can some one please help
  4. Crackling speakers

    In my LCR 210, I get ocassional periodic crackling of the speakers on both the CD and to a lesser extent the radio. Not always, and more prone in hot weather or after prolonged driving. HU has been checked by Canterbury Car Radio and no fault was found. Any suggestions? Thoughts so far; issue...
  5. jamie paton

    crackling bloody door speakers

    my door speakers have started crackling like mad, its doing my nut right in, i can tell thee. the ones at the top of the door , anyone had similar problems:cry: :confused: :help:
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