
  1. Blueie

    Comparing LC with Audi A3

    Im just wondering if someone with a greater knowlage than me could help! I know seat leon it part VW and Audi. Audi air vents fit the leon etc sooo down to that i thought the dash might be similar in the same case? Im asking due to the fact i want to change the centre console to a double...
  2. Rosc0PColtrane

    Comparing 8v to 16v

    Really interested to see how they both stack up, statisticaly, side by side. i.e. stock bhp, 0-60 times, total weight, torque... plus anything else anyone can think of?
  3. Vag Com logs - Comparing with and without octane booster

    I run my car all the time on BP Ultimate as there isnt a shell garage near me and ive heard some people prefer Ultimate to Optimax anyway. I recently brought 10 bottles of Millers Octane Booster (2 ron) I did some logs before and after adding the octane booster to a full tank of BP...
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